### Log session started at Thu Dec 14 00:00:00 2006 ### [00:00:09] roc: your patch is missing gfxRect.cpp [00:03:11] RyanVM [RyanVM@moz-55CC9E87.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #developers [00:08:55] andrew [chatzilla@moz-D3A6AD61.adsl.mnsi.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [00:13:54] petea_ [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [00:15:44] ginn [ginn@moz-3DC951F1.sun.com] has joined #developers [00:15:59] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [00:16:32] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] is now known as evan [00:27:11] whimboo [whimboo@moz-7DF7E772.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #developers [00:42:09] Mnyromyr [MnyroWork@moz-E0F31C11.tal.de] has joined #developers [00:42:50] Unpresent [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has joined #developers [00:42:50] Unarmed [unarmed@moz-5EEB135.client.mchsi.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [00:51:30] damn, I've been having a bit of trouble finishing builds lately [00:53:37] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-BD72A0C8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [00:54:12] SeaMonkey: 'Linux nye Depend bloat' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [00:58:43] taras [taras@moz-D0F6A15F.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [01:04:15] SeaMonkey: 'Linux nye Depend bloat' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [01:06:18] Build 'WINNT 5.2 tb180-win32-tbox Depend Tb-Nightly' has dropped from the 'Mozilla1.8.0' tinderbox. [01:06:47] sdwilsh|away [chatzilla@3C3C96AA.E09B6ADC.CE9AE420.IP] is now known as sdwilsh|sleep [01:11:37] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-BD72A0C8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [01:13:18] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-BD72A0C8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [01:19:39] brendan [chatzilla@moz-4C30BDC5.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:20:58] sdwilsh|sleep [chatzilla@3C3C96AA.E09B6ADC.CE9AE420.IP] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [01:34:12] dolske [dolske@moz-F8EC3862.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [01:38:44] dietrich [dietrich@moz-22D9A5D3.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:41:07] RyanJ_sleeping [sciguyryan@moz-2E71806F.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [01:41:51] whimboo [whimboo@moz-7DF7E772.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Quit [01:45:12] piratepenguin [declan@moz-3915DEDC.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:48:43] philor [ringnalda@moz-35393C09.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [01:57:55] Daa [daa@D1269F99.2FD6AAB3.CD6AC7F.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:10:41] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [02:21:05] luser: hmm, not very 800x600 friendly :-P [02:21:24] hmm, how does NS_InvokeByIndex know what interface it's supposed to invoke? or am I just missing something fundamental? [02:22:42] graydon [graydon@D6F6ECA1.2E742F60.632B8C24.IP] has joined #developers [02:23:21] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [02:25:21] whimboo [Miranda@39B4F589.484D324C.349377F5.IP] has joined #developers [02:26:41] Mook: isn't it at a lower level than that? [02:27:24] hmm, that'd be the "missing something fundamental" part, I think :| [02:30:28] <@dbaron> it doesn't matter what interface it is, it just matters what index the method is on that interface [02:30:50] <@dbaron> and the caller's supposed to figure that out using the typelibs and the xptinfo code [02:31:00] ah, okay, thanks [02:31:11] <@dbaron> do you know how vtables work? [02:31:18] vaguely :) [02:31:34] smaugZzz [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaug [02:31:42] (ptrs to things that actually implement the virtual methods in the interface, IIRC) [02:32:12] <@dbaron> So have a look at xpcom/glue/pldhash.{h,c}, which is a struct with a vtable (there it's called |ops|), implemented in C [02:32:31] okay :) [02:32:39] taras [taras@moz-D0F6A15F.gv.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:32:43] <@dbaron> In C++, any class with a virtual function ends up with a vtable pointer just like |ops|. [02:33:19] <@dbaron> the various xptcall assembly code deals with the differences in vtable format between plaforms/compilers [02:33:26] reed [reed@moz-5A7D91BB.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:33:35] <@dbaron> but in the end it doesn't matter what the type is since they're all the same; you just need to know which method it is [02:33:35] mtm [mtm@moz-851A040B.static.nextweb.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:34:16] <@dbaron> so the code in xpcom/reflect/xptinfo deals with typelibs that have information about interfaces (what each method is, what parameters it takes) [02:34:35] <@dbaron> and the code in xpcom/reflect/xptcall knows how to make a call to the index'th method with parameters of given types and values [02:35:20] romaxa [romaxa@moz-9EA8BAE9.cosmicparrot.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [02:35:22] mtm [mtm@moz-851A040B.static.nextweb.net] has joined #developers [02:35:32] right, I was wondering because I thought that worked off interfaces (and not implementations of that interface, because it doesn't know what classes are used) [02:36:00] <@dbaron> it doesn't need to know what classes are used [02:36:09] <@dbaron> when you cast pointers in C++, you're sometimes doing arithmetic [02:36:18] and I was under the impression there would be multiple nsISupports vtables in each class (and one canonical one is returned for QI to nsISupports) due to the possiblity of implementing mutiple interfaces [02:36:38] <@dbaron> yes, but you *don't* QI to nsISupports if you want to use some other interface, you QI to that interface [02:37:16] <@dbaron> so given interface nsIFoo: nsISupports {}; interface nsIBar: nsISupports{}; class FooBar : public nsIFoo, public nsIBar {} [02:37:25] ah, so the nsISupports* one would give to NS_InvokeByIndex would be NS_REINTERPRET_CASTed or something? [02:37:33] <@dbaron> no [02:37:41] <@dbaron> if you have a FooBar at address 0x1000 [02:37:56] <@dbaron> and you have a function do_something(nsISupports*) [02:38:05] josh_ [josh@moz-6FB8A417.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #developers [02:38:13] <@dbaron> do_something(fb) won't compile since there are two ways to convert fb to nsISupports* [02:38:18] right [02:38:24] romaxa [romaxa@moz-9EA8BAE9.cosmicparrot.net] has joined #developers [02:38:29] <@dbaron> do_something((nsIFoo*)fb) calls do_something(0x1000) [02:38:33] <@dbaron> do_something((nsIBar*)fb) calls do_something(0x1004) [02:38:49] Yay, multiple inheritance [02:39:10] <@dbaron> through basically the same mechanism (casting adjusting pointers), fb->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIFoo), (void**)&foo) sets foo to 0x1000, and [02:39:21] <@dbaron> fb->QueryInterface(NS_GET_IID(nsIBar), (void**)&bar) sets bar to 0x1004 [02:39:33] and that's why the default QI impl does that impl_nsisupports_ambigous thing or whtever [02:39:39] <@dbaron> yes [02:40:16] <@dbaron> but the key is that fb cast or QIed to an nsIFoo gives a different pointer than cast/QIed to an nsIBar [02:40:25] right [02:40:56] so the arg I give to NS_InvokeByIndex must be casted (from the interface I want to call) and not QIed [02:41:00] <@dbaron> so then XPConnect can do things like QI to the IID it wants (that's in the typelib) to get the right interface pointer and then invoke the nth method on that interface [02:41:16] <@dbaron> no, QI, underneath, just does casts to get the right pointers [02:41:28] <@dbaron> and from the outside you have to QI since you don't know the concrete type [02:42:09] right, since only the class itself knows how many gazillion intefaces it impls [02:42:15] <@dbaron> (well, the new table-driven QI records in a table the amount it has to adjust the pointers instead of actually writing code with casts) [02:42:44] I'll stick with the simple stuff, and not the table-driven QI - I'll assume they do functionally the same thing and that's enough for me :) [02:44:03] <@dbaron> so when you write a QueryInterface in JS, XPConnect uses the typelibs to turn the interface name into an IID and then calls QueryInterface on the native object. [02:44:15] <@dbaron> It then remembers all the interfaces that a given object QIs to [02:44:26] right, that I understand, w/ the interface flattening [02:44:57] <@dbaron> and when you call a method, it finds the appropriate interface, uses its pointer to that interface for the object, gets the method index and parameter types from the typelib, and makes the call [02:45:15] right, that I understand too [02:45:29] <@dbaron> ok [02:45:51] oh, I understand now - I misread the xtf code I was digging through :) [02:46:04] http://landfill.mozilla.org/mxr-test/mozilla/source/content/xtf/src/nsXTFElementWrapper.cpp#126 isn't QIing to nsISupports :) [02:47:01] [reed] [reed@moz-5A7D91BB.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #developers [02:47:18] thanks for the explanation, and sorry I seem to be daft like a rock :) [02:49:12] <@dbaron> no problem; explaining this stuff is actually sort of fun [02:49:51] dbaron [dbaron@moz-1559392A.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: g'night [02:53:04] dbaron: As COM has gone somewhat out of vogue in the last few years, it's hard to find good books/docs on it, too [02:54:37] wolfiR [wolfiR@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has joined #developers [02:56:18] gavin notes that dbaron is gone [02:56:24] Woops [02:56:31] I have leaves ignored [03:02:16] crowder: I really like the COM book by Don Box [03:02:44] its pretty old, but still good and relevant I think [03:03:15] josh_ [josh@moz-6FB8A417.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: josh_ [03:03:38] romaxa [romaxa@moz-9EA8BAE9.cosmicparrot.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [03:04:53] josh: No question there ARE good books out there (and that one is the authority, if there is one), but have you ever tried to buy one IN a bookstore? [03:05:27] nope [03:05:36] It's nearly impossible [03:05:45] Even ActiveX books are tough to find these days [03:10:18] evan [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [03:10:40] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #developers [03:11:35] is there a guide line for defining marcos in mozilla code? should the marco end with ";" or not? [03:11:44] or both are OK? [03:13:10] graydon [graydon@D6F6ECA1.2E742F60.632B8C24.IP] has left #developers [03:13:13] mao wonders if ginn is talking about his cousin, called Marco [03:13:44] ginn: try to find an instance of my cousing at http://lxr.mozilla.org and check [03:13:51] s/cousing/cousin [03:14:56] mao: I think most of them are not ending with ";", but some are ending with "}" [03:15:59] ah, some of them are ending with ";" too [03:16:32] mao wishes Marco doesn't end any time soon, as he just had a child [03:16:37] sp3001 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #developers [03:17:11] ginn blesses mao's cousin [03:17:24] mao thanks ginn and reboots [03:17:32] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Quit: There's a browser safer than Firefox... http://noscript.net [03:18:37] sp3001 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit IRC: Quit: --no-remote [03:19:35] sp3001 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #developers [03:24:09] josh [josh@moz-6FB8A417.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: josh [03:24:27] tomg [chatzilla@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has joined #developers [03:25:51] sp3001 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit IRC: Quit: ... [03:26:27] mw22_away [chatzilla@moz-7142FB28.dsl.speedlinq.nl] is now known as mw22 [03:38:26] tomg [chatzilla@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:42:35] Fufie [lambada@moz-2D9AD019.vizrt.com] has joined #developers [03:43:14] tomg [chatzilla@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has joined #developers [03:52:07] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [03:52:25] mao [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] is now known as mao|afk [03:53:22] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Quit: sleep [03:53:38] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [03:56:29] evan [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [04:04:54] hrm. Suppose I have a XUL document with a processing instruction, can I get to the processing instruction with document.getElementById() or is that not part of the document an sich? [04:05:44] PIs don't have IDs [04:05:49] (can I even give an id... right) [04:06:16] ok, let me rephrase the question... suppose I want to modify a specific pi of my xul document at runtime. [04:06:40] what would be the best way to uniquely identify that pi, and find it back when I want to modify it? [04:06:57] you can find it [04:07:13] it is in the dom like any other node [04:07:28] I know, but how do I know I'm onto the PI I want to modify? [04:07:37] as opposed to any other PI. [04:07:55] you inspect its name and data? [04:08:26] ok... well, I'll have to live with that then. Thanks for the help :) [04:08:35] New build added to Mozilla1.8.0: WINNT 5.2 tb180-win32-tbox Depend Tb-Nightly (status: Success). [04:08:50] ###!!! ASSERTION: failed to load URL: 'NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)', file c:/mozilla/content/base/src/nsFrameLoader.cpp, line 187 [04:08:55] timeless wonders if that's normal [04:20:13] Hannibal mutters as he can't figure out where to find the PI's in the DOM [04:20:37] SeaMonkey: 'Linux lhasa Depend release (gtk2+xft)' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [04:20:43] that is, I'm looking at a xul doc in DOMI for which I *know* that there are xml-stylesheet pi's in there, and I can't find them. :\ [04:26:31] gemal [gemal@moz-DEA28614.teknet.opasia.dk] has joined #developers [04:28:29] can anybody here verify that loading http://www.cbb.dk/cms.ashx/ekstra-services/mobilsjov.aspx will crash your browser. no talkback. just browser gone [04:28:45] one sec [04:29:12] wfm [04:29:14] NoScript active [04:30:02] applet ringtoneplayer started [04:30:08] your site uses java [04:30:12] does normal java work? [04:31:13] timeless goes back to happy noscript land [04:33:11] yes. it also brings down my IE7 [04:33:22] what os? [04:33:43] firebot: firefox dies [04:33:50] mao|afk: Sorry, I've no idea what 'firefox dies' might be. [04:33:50] windows. I have Java6 installed [04:33:52] evan [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] is now known as evan_away [04:34:04] java6? [04:34:04] firebot: sudden death [04:34:06] mao|afk: Sudden Death is what sometimes happens to Firefox while trying to play audio or video content. It abruptly dies with no error message. When this happens, try to delete the VLC plugin (npvlc.dll) from Firefox plugins directory. [04:34:53] Yoric [yoric@moz-3BA3E220.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #developers [04:34:54] gemal: may this apply (most likely a plugin problem anyway)? [04:34:55] i have a java 1.5 control panel [04:35:23] looks like i have 1.5.0_06, 1.5.0_08, 1.5.0_09 [04:37:31] gemal: it doesn't crash on me, and I've got JSE 6 [04:38:28] slaine [glengray@ECF24AFF.84AEB1A.FB1615FE.IP] has joined #developers [04:39:15] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-453C0654.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #developers [04:45:01] wolfiR [wolfiR@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [04:52:31] ###!!! ASSERTION: program error: 'iter.IsLeftMostTable() || iter.IsRightMostTabl [04:52:32] e()', file c:/mozilla/layout/tables/nsTableFrame.cpp, line 7107 [04:57:16] timeless wonders if OBJ_DROP_PROPERTY can really trigger a GC callback [05:01:13] beaufour_ [beaufour@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] is now known as beaufour [05:05:22] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has joined #developers [05:11:02] timeless: is the assertion on the page I posted? [05:12:31] trev [trev@moz-13341D29.simula.no] has joined #developers [05:12:34] nah [05:12:46] talkback page :) [05:12:55] but it's ff2 [05:13:01] i hope you didn't need trunk [05:15:02] ginn [ginn@moz-3DC951F1.sun.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [05:16:40] http://talkback-public.mozilla.org/search/start.jsp?search=2&type=iid&id=TB27310315E is starting to bother me [05:28:10] Daa [daa@D1269F99.2FD6AAB3.CD6AC7F.IP] has joined #developers [05:28:38] gemal [gemal@moz-DEA28614.teknet.opasia.dk] has quit IRC: Quit: [05:34:31] Daa [daa@D1269F99.2FD6AAB3.CD6AC7F.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [05:35:43] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #developers [05:41:24] Daa [daa@D1269F99.2FD6AAB3.CD6AC7F.IP] has joined #developers [05:45:06] SeaMonkey: 'Linux lhasa Depend release (gtk2+xft)' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [05:55:11] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has quit IRC: Client exited [05:56:22] stevee^afk [Miranda@moz-AF4701AB.sotn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as stevee [05:56:44] hwaara [hwaara@moz-22E58F77.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #developers [05:56:59] biesi [chb@85-124-21-232.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #developers [06:00:11] kiko-afk [kiko@moz-21AE8E0E.dsl.telesp.net.br] is now known as kiko [06:00:34] cf2 [chatzilla@moz-F0BDC275.physics.ox.ac.uk] has joined #developers [06:14:02] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has joined #developers [06:14:08] glazou [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] is now known as glazou_sick [06:15:35] bonjour [06:22:05] igo1 [igor@moz-46A85847.nextgentel.com] has joined #developers [06:23:34] slaine [glengray@ECF24AFF.84AEB1A.FB1615FE.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: slaine [06:24:17] slaine [glengray@ECF24AFF.84AEB1A.FB1615FE.IP] has joined #developers [06:34:47] smaug [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugAway [06:47:53] nosebleed [sean@moz-6177BC78.hr.hr.cox.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [06:50:51] chewey_ [chewey@moz-CD783055.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [06:53:34] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [07:16:10] tomg [chatzilla@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [07:22:36] mvl [michiel@moz-2F035FEA.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [07:24:10] Yoric [yoric@moz-3BA3E220.fbx.proxad.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [07:25:29] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [07:25:40] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #developers [07:35:17] raccettura [raccettura@moz-2D8792DD.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [07:39:03] trev [trev@moz-13341D29.simula.no] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [07:45:32] laurentj [laurentj@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has joined #developers [07:50:55] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [07:51:10] swsnyder [chatzilla@moz-93663BEF.mclnva23.covad.net] has joined #developers [07:53:04] madewokherd [urk@moz-63500C09.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #developers [07:58:57] smaugAway [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaug [08:02:34] cf2 [chatzilla@moz-F0BDC275.physics.ox.ac.uk] has quit IRC: User is banned (no links to exe files please) [08:04:48] cf2 [chatzilla@moz-F0BDC275.physics.ox.ac.uk] has joined #developers [08:09:26] cf2 [chatzilla@moz-F0BDC275.physics.ox.ac.uk] is now known as cf2-afk [08:10:05] coop [Chris@moz-89175FC9.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #developers [08:18:00] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 boxset Depend camino' has changed state from Success to Burning. [08:23:37] CTho|zzz [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho [08:36:42] aaronaway [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] is now known as aaronlev [08:38:35] cat: ./config/build_number: No such file or directory [08:38:42] um, how do i do anything"? [08:39:17] that kinda sounds like an error you can ignore [08:39:19] can someone please explain what config/build_number is [08:39:26] make[1]: *** No rule to make target `Makefile.in', needed by `Makefile'. Stop. [08:39:26] make: *** [build] Error 2 [08:39:29] either that, or its a line ending issue [08:39:36] no Makefile.in? [08:39:46] how'd you do that? :) [08:39:55] i don't know what makefile.in it wants [08:40:51] oh right [08:40:55] timeless can't actually talk to cvs [08:40:58] this kinda sucks [08:42:36] Couldn't convert chrome URL: chrome://communicator/content/contentAreaUtils.js ###!!! ASSERTION: still loading a script when starting another load?: '!mCurrentScriptProto', file c:/mozilla/content/xul/document/src/nsXULDocument.cpp, line 3492 [08:42:53] i presume no one cares? [08:44:32] I don't have a config/build_number either [08:44:49] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-79DFBA5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [08:50:12] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 boxset Depend camino' has changed state from Burning to Success. [08:50:47] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.1b/2006112609] [08:51:01] 4:50:13 PM make.exe:6292 QUERY INFORMATION C:\...\mozilla.org\mozilla\obj-firefox-i686-pc-mingw32\Makefile.in NOT FOUND Attributes: Error [08:51:31] :) [08:53:27] anyone have any ideas? [08:54:15] roc: ping [08:54:44] stransky [stransky@3DF0C737.B0BBFA02.BD929EE6.IP] has joined #developers [08:54:46] timeless: it's looking in your objdir for a Makefile.in? [08:54:53] yes :) [08:56:53] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [08:58:29] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1b/2006112609] [08:59:35] pgreco [chatzilla@moz-3007D1A.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #developers [09:00:07] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [09:01:42] danbeck [danbeck@4C47D49A.9CC1D69A.52393332.IP] has joined #developers [09:01:45] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.76 [SeaMonkey 1.1b/2006112609] [09:02:50] crap. i accidentally "report"ed a quote in qdb [09:04:00] igo1 [igor@moz-46A85847.nextgentel.com] has quit IRC: Client exited [09:04:16] igo1 [igor@moz-46A85847.nextgentel.com] has joined #developers [09:04:27] dria: ? [09:04:41] oh, I completely misread that [09:04:46] are plugins cached somewhere? [09:04:58] I read gdb instead of qdb [09:05:01] I renamed my plugins dir to plugins.sav but I still see all of them in about:plugins when I restart FF [09:05:19] plasticmillion: which plugins dir did you rename [09:05:25] no, they're not cached between sessions [09:05:28] pgreco [chatzilla@moz-3007D1A.fibertel.com.ar] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [09:05:36] program files\mozilla firefox\plugins [09:05:42] there is pluginreg.dat [09:05:49] but I don't know what it caches [09:06:02] pgreco [chatzilla@moz-3007D1A.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #developers [09:06:16] just the names and locations, and if the files go missing they get removed from the dat file [09:06:34] plasticmillion: plugins go in your profile directory [09:06:41] application data/firefox/plugins [09:06:46] s/firefox/mozilla/ [09:06:48] pgreco [chatzilla@moz-3007D1A.fibertel.com.ar] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [09:06:48] for real? [09:06:51] yea [09:07:04] not in the individual profiles, but along side them [09:07:31] they can also be in /plugins, or fished from registry keys on winblows [09:07:39] don't see anything there [09:07:47] I guess i"ll rename pluginreg.dat to see what that does [09:08:11] read it and see what it lists [09:08:40] certainly looks like it could be the culprit [09:08:47] the plugins aren't actually in the plugins dir, or so it appears [09:08:49] it's just a text file [09:09:15] yeah I see that [09:09:20] but I renamed it and it *still* finds the plugins [09:09:33] it scans for plugins on the system, too [09:09:37] right [09:09:45] via registry and other such techniques [09:09:46] how does the scan work? [09:09:50] hmmm [09:09:51] look in the dat file and see where the plugin actually is [09:09:56] so that you know where to remove it from [09:10:05] yeah I can see they're all over the place [09:10:17] so [09:10:26] if I want to run FF sans plugins, is that possible? [09:10:31] but I do want extensions [09:10:36] before someone says "safe mode" [09:10:44] kaie [kaie@moz-DD309B03.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [09:10:53] yes [09:10:56] there's a pref [09:11:01] with UI, no less [09:11:08] oh yeah [09:11:08] there is? [09:11:10] the UI [09:11:15] it's in Downloads/Advanced or something, right? [09:11:38] oh no that's just for the associations [09:11:40] Enn [enn@moz-F0E247D9.eicat.ca] has joined #developers [09:12:19] I lied about the UI [09:12:20] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 pawn Depend' has changed state from Success to Burning. [09:12:37] shaver: yeah I guessed that [09:12:37] bug 339056 [09:12:41] I might have lied entirely :( [09:12:47] :-( [09:13:03] noscript seems to have a pref of some sort [09:13:38] Mnyromyr [MnyroWork@moz-E0F31C11.tal.de] has quit IRC: Client exited [09:13:40] doesn't seem to do what I wanted though [09:13:55] See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Plugin_scanning [09:15:09] biesi [chb@85-124-21-232.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit IRC: Quit: Verlassend [09:15:50] cf2-afk: thanks, that's helpful [09:16:47] ok [09:16:50] I need help here [09:17:01] there have been multiple reports of crashes when using AllPeers with NoScript in FF 2.0 [09:17:06] I can't reproduce this but timeless had the problem [09:17:14] so he sent me his whole profile dir and I tested with FF 2.0 [09:17:17] naturally it didn't crash on me [09:17:24] the crash is in js3250.dll at startup btw [09:17:29] so there's a bug in the JS engine somewhere [09:17:44] I'm trying to figure out what about my config is different, thus causing the crash not to happen [09:17:53] that doesn't mean that there's a bug in the JS engine [09:18:03] shaver: well it shouldn't crash [09:18:07] it's much much more common that the engine is passed something bogus [09:18:13] ok fair enough [09:18:16] like a dangling pointer or some mismanaged root [09:18:31] it's being called by XPConnect [09:18:34] in a debug build you may get useful assertions [09:18:46] yeah, I'm trying to get it to crash so I can analyze in debug [09:18:47] shaver: timeless has a talkback [09:18:50] and I'm failing [09:18:53] http://talkback-public.mozilla.org/search/start.jsp?search=2&type=iid&id=TB26919217Q [09:19:22] the only thing I can see is that we both load JS3250.DLL soon after starting FF, but in my case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH is called much earlier [09:19:32] whether that is significant or not is not clear [09:20:14] in essence I have the same version of FF 2.0 and the same profile, but no crash [09:20:26] so if anyone can think of what might differ between our two setups, I'd be very appreciative [09:20:44] I thought it might be the plugins but I disabled most of them and it still isn't crashing on me [09:22:03] plasticmillion wonders what imm32.dll is [09:22:39] plasticmillion: when do you fire up your threading stuff? multiple threads and unreproducable crashes go together like horse and carriage [09:23:04] Pike: did you look at the stacktrace? [09:23:23] "Microsoft Windows Input Method Manager (IMM)" [09:23:39] obviously one of our JS observers is getting a notification from the nsXREDirProvider [09:23:48] hmmm, maybe I should check who is listening for that [09:23:59] but I would suspect this is all happening on the UI thread [09:24:29] is this a reproducable crash for the original victim? [09:24:31] plasticmillion: maybe you're doing something on an object which is concurrently used by another thread? [09:24:33] ok, profile-do-change [09:24:40] or profile-after-change [09:24:44] i.e. startup notification [09:24:48] http://bonsai.mozilla.org/cvsblame.cgi?file=/mozilla/js/src/jsapi.c&mark=2333&rev=FIREFOX_2_0_RELEASE#2333 looks like a bad js context [09:24:52] mao|afk: anything's possible [09:25:18] problem is we do an awful lot in profile-do-change and profile-after-change [09:25:29] shaver: I think timeless can reproduce it though with timeless you can never be sure [09:25:32] (I wonder if we could make talkback link to release tags right away) [09:25:37] most of the time I don't understand what he is talking about ;-) [09:25:53] Pike eagerly waits for shaver to comment on that [09:26:12] timeless: are you still there? [09:26:49] timeless: I know I asked this like 15x but you get the crash every time you start FF, right? [09:28:00] mento [mark@F4381B10.C8C6FF5E.4065847B.IP] has joined #developers [09:28:17] arrg [09:28:26] db48x wishes it weren't so hard to find a keyboard [09:29:54] Tom_Kun [mithrandir@moz-DF3B9CA7.bb.online.no] has joined #developers [09:30:34] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [09:30:44] so... how come Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_CONTENT is undefined, even though it's been around since like, forever ? :) [09:30:59] (it's undefined in chrome js, that is) [09:31:28] asqueella has never heard of that [09:31:36] lxr has :) [09:31:54] docshell and uriloader are happily using it. [09:32:39] strange thing is, we don't appear to register any JS observers directly for profile-do-change or profile-after-change [09:32:45] Hannibal: because it's not in the xpconnect list [09:32:48] we do so indirectly through our own topics, invoked from C++ [09:32:59] so it must be a FF JS component that is crashing, or I'm missing something [09:33:07] shaver: should it be? [09:33:19] and where is this magical list? :) [09:34:55] total number of FF JS components that observe profile-do-change == 0 [09:35:17] shaver: you mean this? http://landfill.mozilla.org/mxr-test/seamonkey/source/js/src/xpconnect/src/xpc.msg [09:35:41] Fufie [lambada@moz-2D9AD019.vizrt.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [09:36:46] aha! [09:36:52] the nsExtensionManager.js [09:36:57] I think we do fiddle with that in another thread [09:37:03] you... [09:37:04] nice [09:37:04] during startup [09:37:47] plasticmillion goes to get a cup of tea and a piece of Baumkuchen [09:37:50] Hannibal has this feeling he'll never ever want to look at the allpeers source [09:37:55] I'll need my energy for this one [09:38:00] heh. [09:38:02] Hannibal: it isn't that bad, really! [09:38:22] but we do multithread a lot [09:40:54] Sander [me@moz-89A81292.speed.planet.nl] has joined #developers [09:42:07] yeah we actually call into the extension manager *during* profile-after-change [09:42:40] I guess on a separate thread so no wonder it crashes [09:42:43] Baumkuchen? [09:42:47] strange that NoScript is required a well [09:43:09] "The beauty of this Christmas cake should be in that it looks like the tree with its tree-rings. They are made up by thin layers of dough each separately backed." [09:43:23] presumably he meant "baked" [09:44:23] Baum == tree [09:44:30] Kuchen == cake [09:44:45] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1/2006121309] [09:44:47] pinecones? [09:44:53] plasticmillion: NoScript is probably required because it does initialization stuff (mostly preferences caching) in a profile-after-change observer (in the UI thread, of course). So it may be something your multithread "breaks" [09:45:50] plasticmillion: if this is right, I suspect any other JS component with a profile-after-change observer would break as well [09:46:06] s/would/may [09:46:14] mao|afk: makes sense to me [09:46:25] now I just have to figure out how to fix it [09:46:34] then test that I have fixed it even though I can't reproduce the problem [09:46:38] plasticmillion really hates software [09:46:45] db48x considers buying a keyboard [09:46:52] bah [09:46:55] db48x considers buying a $90 keyboard [09:47:28] chewey [chewey@moz-CD783055.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [09:48:20] db48x: http://www.daskeyboard.com/ [09:48:26] the only rational choice! ;-) [09:48:33] plasticmillion has one at home and visitors are always impressed [09:49:00] yea, that's the one I'm considering [09:49:13] it's nice [09:49:25] kind of hard to code on it though unless you know where all the funky braces and stuff are [09:49:30] it'd better be, for $90 [09:50:00] it was $75 when I bought it [09:50:05] I guess this is Das Keyboard 2.0 [09:50:11] I touch type nearly everything reliably [09:50:28] some of the puncutation on the number keys are more difficult [09:50:36] plasticmillion: don't you have stickers to put on each key ? [09:51:00] glazou_sick: I know where the keys are [09:51:17] heh [09:51:20] sigh [09:51:28] for the most part... I once spent like 10 minutes looking for the backslash [09:51:35] heh [09:51:46] man I can't believe my model is outdated already [09:51:58] db48x: I'll sell you mine used for $30 so I can buy the new one ;-) [09:52:02] aw1 [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] has joined #developers [09:52:04] haha [09:52:07] it's barely used since I have it at home [09:52:22] stephend [stephend@moz-93EB7CBA.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #developers [09:53:03] can anyone else here load dell.com? [09:53:18] yup [09:53:21] huh [09:53:49] tH [r@] has joined #developers [09:53:52] I actually have a good dell branded keyboard [09:54:04] but now that I have more than one computer again I need a usb keyboard [09:54:09] so that it works with my kvm [09:54:12] kiko [kiko@moz-21AE8E0E.dsl.telesp.net.br] is now known as kiko-fud [09:54:24] synergy2.sf.net [09:54:28] [09:54:59] shaver: single display [09:55:58] [reed] [reed@moz-5A7D91BB.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] is now known as reed [09:56:00] dietrich [dietrich@moz-3E81082E.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #developers [09:56:10] smaug [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugAway [09:56:19] stephend: that doesn't load either [09:56:28] dns lookup works, but the server doesn't respond [09:56:33] transient issue [09:56:56] and they block ICMP at hop 11 here, so that's no help [09:56:56] maybe [09:58:30] haha, dell.com.sixxs.org works [09:58:43] gets me the european site though [09:58:46] RyanJ_sleeping [sciguyryan@moz-2E71806F.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [09:59:04] looks like it's in dutch or something [09:59:07] Pike [Axel_Hecht@moz-453C0654.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: real life [09:59:59] dell.com.sixxs.org doesn't wfm [10:00:26] indeed redirects to a dutch site - the sixxs.org doesn't wfm either [10:00:49] Sander: you have to have ipv6 access to use the sixxs.org ipv6-to-ipv4 gateway :) [10:00:59] s/gateway/proxy/ [10:01:02] ah, that makes sense [10:01:51] yarg, they keep giving me dutch pages [10:02:14] db48x: pick a country at the bottom? [10:02:19] Sander, that page isn't dutch for me...they must do smart lookups [10:02:28] based on connection's IP [10:02:38] it's set to "Nederland" for me, change it to "Amerika" or "Verenigde Staten" or whatever they call the US [10:02:41] db48x: is het een probleem voor jij ? ;-) [10:02:48] latter, apparently. [10:02:51] *jou [10:03:02] Hannibal thinks plasticmillion needs more classes [10:03:06] plasticmillion speaks Dutch creole [10:03:10] yea, ductch is a problem for me [10:03:11] or *je, I suppose. [10:03:57] ok, here we go [10:04:24] db48x wonders if they have anything listed that isn't a keyboard and mouse combo [10:05:03] heh, they give you financing details on keyboards too [10:05:41] hmm, a usb keyboard with smartcard reader [10:05:47] mvl wonders why dell keeps on asking 'small, medium of big company?' [10:05:51] http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=310-8038 [10:06:02] it's not like i'm ordering french fries... [10:06:13] they give worse service for medium companies [10:06:13] Hannibal: yea, I'm waiting for firefox to stop trying to load img.dell.com, which doesn't work [10:06:19] mvl: yea, I hate that too [10:06:20] heh [10:06:37] mvl: do they sell better keyboards to bigger companies? [10:07:18] there are prefs to disable scanning for each individual plugin [10:07:39] oh, actually it's stalled trying to load a stylesheet from reviews-cdn.dell.com [10:07:56] so much for CDNs ;-) [10:08:24] oh [10:08:25] that's akamai [10:08:29] i'm sort of here [10:08:47] now I just need to find out the url for that image [10:08:59] i get the crash every time as long as i use the morg js3250, noscript, and that released version, afaik [10:09:02] good luck with that [10:09:09] akamai's URLs are a rat's nest [10:09:17] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Input/output error [10:09:49] hurray page info [10:09:57] oh, eww [10:10:12] http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/images/products/mlrg/DJ331.jpg [10:10:26] that's their little mini keyboard [10:10:27] we have those at school [10:10:28] they're tiny [10:10:30] yeah [10:10:33] at first, they suck [10:10:38] but after a while you get used to them [10:11:25] hrm, looks like an apple keyboard [10:11:49] db48x: that doesn't have the multimedia buttons, right? [10:12:08] db48x puts that in the same category as neck rings and foot-whatsits [10:12:13] my dell has back, forward, stop,reload, home, mail, display, calculator [10:12:20] timeless: no, it doesn't have any place for multimedia buttons [10:12:29] mute, stop, rewind, fast forward, play/pause, music [10:12:33] and a spinner [10:12:46] Hannibal hardly ever uses any of the multimedia keys on his keyboard [10:13:03] this is the first time i've actually looked to see what keys i have [10:13:08] they aren't convenient to reach [10:13:27] my laptop has quieter, loauder, and mute [10:13:30] hwaara [hwaara@moz-22E58F77.bredband.comhem.se] has quit IRC: Quit: hwaara [10:13:31] but i've never used them [10:13:34] not with one hand, at least [10:13:50] stephend: you mean i should get a hand extender [10:13:53] ? [10:14:03] sure, heh [10:14:05] (joke failed) [10:14:41] well, that idea failed [10:14:52] RyanJ_sleeping [sciguyryan@moz-2E71806F.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [10:15:11] the other idea is to find a PS/2→USB adapter that actually works [10:15:29] the ones I've tried all mess up key combinations like C-S-% [10:15:36] Hannibal seems to remember adobe or apple made some kind of colorpicker for styles on the web recently [10:15:46] anyone happen to have a link to that nearby? [10:17:28] even worse, they messed up things like C-x C-s [10:17:36] turning it into C-x s [10:19:31] help [10:19:45] build is still dying because it can't make Makefile.in [10:20:14] dean [d@moz-C948B7D1.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:20:29] ajschult [andrew@moz-FC3AAF11.bflony.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/0000000000] [10:20:41] beaufour [beaufour@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [10:23:18] sdwilsh|sleep [chatzilla@moz-98E18A04.reshall.umich.edu] has joined #developers [10:23:28] sdwilsh|sleep [chatzilla@moz-98E18A04.reshall.umich.edu] is now known as sdwilsh|away [10:24:13] glazou_sick [daniel@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: going ohm [10:24:48] ArjendeJager [Arjen@moz-8E780B4D.solcon.nl] has joined #developers [10:25:11] philor [ringnalda@moz-A652AA6C.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [10:27:15] dean [d@moz-C948B7D1.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #developers [10:27:43] stransky [stransky@3DF0C737.B0BBFA02.BD929EE6.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Connection reset by beer [10:28:21] Ancestor [miviento@moz-E44A25EC.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #developers [10:30:44] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 pawn Depend' has changed state from Burning to Success. [10:31:32] MrMazda [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [10:32:02] is 1.8 branch already open for approval1.8.1.2+ ? [10:32:29] from the tinderbox page i'd say: no [10:32:55] I think "no" is a safe bet [10:33:01] andrew [chatzilla@moz-D3A6AD61.adsl.mnsi.net] has joined #developers [10:33:13] ok [10:33:27] though its already been tagged, so it probably could be open [10:33:33] dietrich [dietrich@moz-3E81082E.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: dietrich [10:33:59] dietrich [dietrich@moz-3E81082E.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #developers [10:34:28] maybe qa on is not yet complete [10:34:47] kaie! [10:34:54] hey stephend [10:35:05] igo1 [igor@moz-46A85847.nextgentel.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [10:35:15] stephend, I was about to comment, with yesterday's win xp the https stuff works for me [10:35:32] so it looks that earlier build had indeed not yet picked up the patch [10:35:41] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo_away [10:35:47] ah [10:37:34] http://www.gnu.org/software/git/git.html [10:37:38] when it was broken, I went through and chose "permanently" for the certs; is there a way to reset that to retest? [10:37:42] is that not what people mean? [10:37:56] I went through the cert manager and deleted them, but that probably wasn't a good idea [10:38:18] stephend, go to cert manager and click on the "web sites" tab. these are the ones you had accepted permanently and it should be safe to delete them [10:38:40] ah, ok [10:38:42] that's what I did [10:38:52] in that case, yeah, this works [10:38:55] so, thanks! [10:40:22] Amos [ahayes@moz-945E65BD.gcrc.carleton.ca] has joined #developers [10:40:26] great! yw [10:40:37] weird how it worked out, but it did [10:41:10] Amos [ahayes@moz-945E65BD.gcrc.carleton.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: Amos [10:41:12] Amos [ahayes@moz-945E65BD.gcrc.carleton.ca] has joined #developers [10:41:20] kiko-fud [kiko@moz-21AE8E0E.dsl.telesp.net.br] is now known as kiko [10:41:21] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] is now known as aaronaway [10:41:44] tor ping [10:42:24] Peter6 [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] has joined #developers [10:42:41] Peter6 [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] is now known as Peter6_away [10:43:45] shaver ping [10:46:33] taras [taras@moz-D0F6A15F.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [10:46:47] aconbere|work [aconbere@moz-8B9BC39B.geonerco.com] has quit IRC: Quit: leaving [10:46:53] ArjendeJager [Arjen@moz-8E780B4D.solcon.nl] has left #developers [10:47:07] aconbere|work [aconbere@moz-8B9BC39B.geonerco.com] has joined #developers [10:47:39] mkaply [mkaply@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has joined #developers [10:47:39] ChanServ [services@mozilla.org] has set mode +o mkaply [10:52:03] piratepenguin [declan@moz-B7DDDC03.cust.iol.ie] has joined #developers [10:54:16] laurentj [laurentj@moz-204094DD.disruptive-innovations.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [10:56:00] timr [timr@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [10:57:02] petea_ [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:01:00] RyanJ_sleeping [sciguyryan@moz-2E71806F.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [11:01:15] josh [josh@moz-6FB8A417.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:01:37] tomg [chatzilla@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has joined #developers [11:08:35] Mnyromyr [Mnyromyr@B2521176.7B0892CB.771966F7.IP] has joined #developers [11:11:29] RyanJ_sleeping [sciguyryan@moz-2E71806F.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [11:14:59] SeaMonkey: 'Linux nye Depend bloat' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [11:15:07] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:21:01] SeaMonkey: 'Linux luna Depend' has changed state from Success to Test Failed. [11:21:32] whimboo [Miranda@39B4F589.484D324C.349377F5.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Quit [11:22:56] stephend [stephend@moz-93EB7CBA.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] is now known as stephend|reading [11:24:14] Mnyromyr wonders how stephend|reading did IRC before without reading... [11:24:16] abwillis [abwillis@moz-C88CD185.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #developers [11:25:42] KaiRo_away [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo [11:26:13] abwillis_ [abwillis@moz-C88CD185.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #developers [11:28:34] http://games.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=211702&cid=17234900 [11:29:19] Mnyromyr, I multitask ;-) [11:29:35] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Client exited [11:29:35] it's demonstrative of my fruit-fly attention span [11:29:47] Amos: pong [11:30:46] stephend|reading: I thought you were done? [11:31:20] Hi tor. I have found a bug relating to 340028 (same bug... but with transparent PNGs) and am wondering if I should reopen or open a new one and refer to 340028. [11:31:30] sdwilsh|away, one _can_ read for pleasure ;-) [11:31:35] dbaron [dbaron@moz-1559392A.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [11:31:35] ChanServ [services@mozilla.org] has set mode +o dbaron [11:31:45] stephend|reading: yeah...I kinda dropped that while in school [11:31:49] heh [11:31:49] right [11:32:03] now the semester's over, I can get back to my literary enjoyment [11:32:23] Amos: new bug [11:32:29] sdwilsh|away still needs to finish reading Hitchikers... [11:32:46] pamg [pamg@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has joined #developers [11:32:50] http://games.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=211702&cid=17235052 [11:32:52] OK. Thanks. I'm just trying to put together a simple test file and then I'll post. [11:33:29] timeless: having fun reading slashdot? :p [11:33:42] Hannibal wonders if there's no pwetty colorpicker using canvas about. [11:34:07] Hannibal: I use a pwetty one made in XUL [11:34:20] sdwilsh: slow news day [11:34:25] sdwilsh|away: that won't do, unfortunately, though I'll be happy with a link. [11:34:28] more fun that trying to figure out why my build doesn't work [11:34:34] sdwilsh|away: unless it's colorzilla [11:34:37] I know about that one :) [11:34:44] Hannibal: no, I've never seen it [11:34:50] Hannibal: I grabbed this offline at one point [11:35:19] sdwilsh|away: is it an extension, or just an unprivileged xul page? [11:35:36] Hannibal: it'd work unprivledged, but I use it in my extension [11:35:40] Hannibal: getting link... [11:36:25] Hannibal: http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/rtse/trunk/chrome/content/editor/colorpicker.xul?revision=130&view=markup [11:36:34] Hannibal: there are some files in that same directory you may need as well [11:36:41] abwillis_ [abwillis@moz-C88CD185.hlrn.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/2006120922] [11:36:46] sdwilsh|away: ta [11:36:48] That's right...Neil Rashbrook made it [11:36:53] Hannibal notes there's a colorpicker xul element. [11:37:04] Hannibal: it isn't great [11:37:10] I know. [11:37:34] How'd that gtk2 thing you were working on end up? [11:37:59] sdwilsh|away: got it working, waiting for roc to review it :) [11:38:22] bug 361781 if you're interested. [11:39:13] bah...minefield just froze on em :/ [11:39:30] right after I attach gdb to it.. [11:39:48] Hannibal somehow doubts that's a coincidence [11:40:17] yeah, it also wouldn't force quit until I detached it [11:41:03] frak - it's doing it again! [11:41:28] smaugAway [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaug [11:42:02] interesting... continue lets it all go again - never had to do that before [11:44:56] sdwilsh|away cries [11:45:00] sdwilsh|away [chatzilla@moz-98E18A04.reshall.umich.edu] is now known as sdwilsh [11:45:10] SeaMonkey: 'Linux nye Depend bloat' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [11:46:20] igo1 [igor@moz-357D8636.nextgentel.com] has joined #developers [11:46:40] Tomcat [Tomcat@moz-DE85BC7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [11:47:25] Guys, I'm having some trouble with my nsIBadListener override in my Gtk2 app, could do with some help [11:47:43] Everythings compiling fine, but the linker is failing [11:47:43] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=319196#c125 [11:47:54] that guy sounds a little stressed [11:48:19] mozilla.o: In function `SecurityDialogsConstructor': [11:48:28] luser: just a bit [11:48:36] mozilla.o: In function `SecurityDialogsConstructor': [11:48:36] /home/glen/src/lincor/main_dev/LinMoz/src/mozilla.c:8: undefined reference to `SecurityDialogs::SecurityDialogs()' [11:48:37] luser: Users who can't follow instructions about how to get their bookmarks back tend to be [11:49:19] Line 8 refers to the call to NS_GENERIC_FACTORY_CONSTRUCTOR(SecurityDialogs) [11:49:41] I can't see what's wrong [11:50:01] Jesse_ [jesse@moz-60659AA0.san.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Jesse_ [11:50:07] slaine: are you linking to SecurityDialogs? [11:50:12] Yup [11:50:16] philor [ringnalda@moz-A652AA6C.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [11:50:23] what's the link line look like? (pastebin?) [11:50:42] sure, hang on [11:53:09] aaronaway [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] is now known as aaronlev [11:53:19] Peter6_away [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] is now known as Peter6 [11:53:24] timeless, pastebin seems to be taking for ever [11:53:39] pastebin.mozilla.org [11:53:43] http://mozilla.pastebin.org/ [11:53:49] ah [11:53:53] oh, does mozilla.org have one now too? [11:53:59] oh [11:54:00] whoops [11:54:12] stephend|reading linked without checking [11:54:51] timeless, http://pastebin.mozilla.org/2061 [11:55:40] sdwilsh, Hannibal: is that the one from http://neil.rashbrook.org/colours.xul ? [11:56:00] NeilAway: That's the one [11:56:02] yeah! [11:56:25] though the one over there works out of the box without making fits about Components.classes and whatnot :) [11:56:44] NeilAway: I don't suppose you have an html version of that thing? [11:56:45] Hannibal: yeah, I know whatever I linked to you has modifications [11:57:10] I get compiler errors if I tweak the name passed to NS_GENERIC_FACTORY_CONSTRUCTOR, so it's correct [11:57:14] Hannibal: no... I started writing it to replace Composer's colour picker, but stalled :-/ [11:57:15] SeaMonkey: 'Linux luna Depend' has changed state from Test Failed to Success. [11:57:23] Perhaps I'm missing something that I should be linking ? [11:57:47] Hannibal: I doubt it would be too difficult to convert for a DHTML expert though [11:58:04] I'm not a dhtml expert, but I will try :) [12:00:54] Here's my header file, if it's any use. [12:00:54] http://pastebin.mozilla.org/2062 [12:01:45] NeilAway: people who use my extension love that colorpicker fyi [12:02:17] nm SecurityDialogs.o ? [12:02:19] (pastebin) [12:02:34] wait [12:02:56] you do have a SecurityDialogs::SecurityDialogs() {} impl in a cpp file, right? [12:03:04] sdwilsh: so what is that extension, tbh? :) [12:03:13] NeilAway was just about to ask that too [12:03:20] erm [12:03:33] and you did #include the header in mozilla.c [12:03:34] Hannibal, NeilAway: have you ever heard of 'Red vs Blue'? [12:03:37] which is probably your problem [12:03:55] sdwilsh: yeah, the halo comic? [12:04:14] assuming that's what you mean. [12:04:25] Hannibal: web series, but yeah. It's an extension to enrich the user experience on their site. Better editor, including a color picker and whatnot [12:04:36] looks cool :) [12:05:34] NeilAway hasn't [12:05:52] sdwilsh: I assume this extension only works in a limited subset of Gecko apps? [12:06:31] NeilAway: I only officially support Firefox, but I've been asked to port to Seamonkey. Just a matter of getting the time to do so [12:06:40] s/m/M/ [12:06:47] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [12:07:09] timeless, Yes, I do have those in the .cpp file [12:07:36] and did you include the .h file in mozilla.c? [12:07:47] (#includE) [12:08:43] cf2-afk [chatzilla@moz-F0BDC275.physics.ox.ac.uk] is now known as cf2 [12:08:54] WERWOLF [WERWOLF@moz-99D41E60.adsl.nextra.cz] has joined #developers [12:09:22] pkasting [pkasting@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [12:09:25] NeilAway: sweet - XULMine! [12:11:20] timeless, nod [12:11:36] Hence my confusion [12:11:42] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [12:11:49] I'm guessing I'm missing some components at the linker stage [12:11:58] that relate to what the constructor is trying to do ? [12:12:03] coop [Chris@moz-89175FC9.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop_lunch [12:12:09] slaine normally i'd make mozilla.i and read it [12:12:13] pkasting [pkasting@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has joined #developers [12:12:15] it's usually informative [12:12:23] anyone here famliar w/ wikipedia? [12:12:42] cf2 [chatzilla@moz-F0BDC275.physics.ox.ac.uk] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [12:13:15] RyanJ_sleeping [sciguyryan@moz-2E71806F.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] is now known as RyanJ [12:13:22] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [12:13:22] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [12:14:12] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has joined #developers [12:14:36] Off to the boozer then [12:14:47] catch you all  tomorrow [12:14:53] slaine [glengray@ECF24AFF.84AEB1A.FB1615FE.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: slaine [12:18:26] timeless: I'm familiar [12:18:57] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Quit: petea [12:20:16] sdwilsh [chatzilla@moz-98E18A04.reshall.umich.edu] is now known as sdwilsh|study [12:20:30] dolske [dolske@moz-F8EC3862.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: dolske [12:20:40] davidbienvenu [davidbienv@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:20:59] mkaply [mkaply@moz-66DA7862.co.us.ibm.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [12:23:33] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [12:25:24] gg [12:25:52] Hannibal has Neil's colour picker updating input values on mouseover instead of drag. [12:28:02] is there a regression test suite for toolkit's extension manager somewhere? I'm having a little trouble confirming that my EM patch didn't break the update mechanism [12:29:45] mw22 [chatzilla@moz-7142FB28.dsl.speedlinq.nl] is now known as mw22_away [12:30:44] myk [chatzilla@moz-7B3C332.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:31:25] bsmedberg-away [bsmedberg@moz-3B210D65.jst.pa.atlanticbb.net] is now known as bsmedberg [12:31:35] bsmedberg: maybe you know of one :) [12:31:57] WeirdAl: 1) ask robstrong 2) probably not 3) we need one, badly [12:32:07] hehe [12:32:34] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:33:01] whimboo [whimboo@moz-8CB92143.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #developers [12:36:58] cf-afk [chatzilla@CFDD6F64.775757D.4B50E195.IP] is now known as cf [12:37:24] Hannibal: how do you move the mouse to the OK button? [12:37:48] NeilAway: it wasn't intentional, I just thought it was funny :) [12:37:56] brb [12:37:57] Hannibal definitely doesn't want to keep it that way! [12:38:02] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [12:38:35] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [12:40:45] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has quit IRC: Quit: Kdo zna, vi. [12:43:14] Jesse_ [jesse@moz-60659AA0.san.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [12:46:46] dolske [dolske@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [12:51:51] shaver hunts the wild rob_strong [12:52:41] good luck, i hear he's elusive [12:53:03] Wevah [Wevah@moz-3111035.cloudnet.com] has joined #developers [12:53:07] phone calls work well [12:53:12] he doesn't do IRC much [12:53:18] Standard8 [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] has joined #developers [12:53:47] shaver: if you get him, would you mind sending him my way? [12:54:27] bsmedberg: I'm sitting 30ft from his desk [12:54:29] poningru_ [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [12:54:33] bsmedberg: I shall lay in wait [12:54:40] hah [12:54:49] :-D [12:55:08] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:55:19] shaver: beltzner, me, you, schrep should probably sit down at some point to talk about FF-on-XR [12:55:59] shebs [shebs@moz-C34F7416.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #developers [12:56:18] what's in it for me? [12:56:21] tomg [chatzilla@moz-299A3F6B.lid.theveniceproject.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:56:27] I mean: yeah, that sounds like a promising avenue of discussion [12:57:51] heh [12:58:35] igo1 [igor@moz-357D8636.nextgentel.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:58:59] poningru_ [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [12:59:22] stuart sure was hoping os/2 would just die [12:59:33] philly [b6001a14@8347DB3A.61587D70.1139E686.IP] has joined #developers [12:59:47] you and most of IBM! [13:00:02] WeirdAl mutters... something is clearly broken [13:00:09] <@stuart> people are posting patches for thebes os2 [13:00:11] I think it's like herpes: you can't cure it, but you can suppress the symptoms with increasing effectiveness [13:00:42] jwatt [roslea@jwatt.irc.users.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [13:01:03] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [13:01:58] Standard8 [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] is now known as Standard8Away [13:02:09] RyanJ [sciguyryan@moz-2E71806F.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:04:53] http://blogs.msdn.com/jfoscoding/archive/2006/11/30/grabbing-dmp-files-from-crash-dialogs.aspx [13:04:55] that's interesting [13:05:10] an awful workaround, but interesting [13:06:04] aw1 [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] is now known as aw1_afk [13:07:17] i bet i do it [13:07:18] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #developers [13:07:21] wow, what's horrible [13:07:42] wish there was a registry key or something i could set to say "don't delete the dump file" [13:07:48] explorer doesn't let you *copy* a file that's "in use"... but a backup program can copy it? [13:08:01] Jesse_: the backup program uses the shadow volume copy [13:08:02] jesse: copy in the shell will copy [13:08:29] why don't they just say that then? the backup thing is horrible [13:08:36] timeless: wrong [13:08:45] "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." [13:09:10] odd [13:09:16] normally wscanner is crashed by now [13:09:27] timeless enables wifi and waits for it to crash [13:09:45] heh [13:09:51] i just wrote a crasher.exe to try it [13:10:24] the shadow volume copy requires xp or something [13:10:28] it wouldn't work on 2k [13:10:55] timeless could just let ff crash [13:11:25] yeah well [13:11:27] RyanJ [sciguyryan@moz-2E71806F.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #developers [13:11:38] the machine i need this to work on is running 2k3 server, so i should be ok [13:11:47] an app our finnish devs wrote is crashing [13:11:49] i don't have the source [13:11:58] i'd like to send him a crashdump [13:12:05] firefox.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. [13:12:11] is this the dialog you want? [13:12:18] yup [13:12:44] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [13:13:50] timeless frowns [13:14:30] nice [13:14:37] it has a DLL and a Handle to the dmp [13:14:57] timeless: if you keep frowning your face is going to stick like that [13:15:13] luser: ok [13:15:15] you can cheat [13:15:26] timeless: emoticons are safer [13:15:27] procexp can read the file from dwwin's memory [13:15:37] can i do it without installing any new software on the machine? [13:15:39] jesse_: like this? [13:15:42] timeless cheats [13:15:42] cause it doesn't have internet access [13:15:43] erm [13:15:46] timeless puts [13:15:49] timeless pots [13:15:52] timeless pouts [13:15:53] and getting software on there would be a pain [13:15:54] timeless sighs [13:15:55] hah [13:16:21] the backup/restore method is crappy, but at least it uses all preinstalled software [13:16:37] cute [13:16:41] presumably you could kill the reporting process too [13:16:48] oh sure [13:16:56] you can also use debug ... [13:17:07] or you know, if you expect an app to die, you can use ntsd [13:17:11] that ships [13:17:19] \WINNT\system32\ntsd.exe [13:17:44] actually [13:17:48] is the app still alive? [13:17:52] because i bet you can use ntsd alone [13:18:27] yeah [13:18:28] just use ntsd [13:18:31] this is lame and stupid [13:18:31] see, i also want to explain this to a technician over the phone [13:18:42] i can do it, give me a few secs [13:18:48] yeah, this is trivial [13:19:02] well if you can give me an easy to follow script, i can get him to do it [13:19:11] timeless just goes to figure out which of /m /f /mf /mh /mfh make sense [13:19:22] luser: sure, try this, got your crash dialog handy? [13:19:24] smaug [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugAway [13:19:35] is there any way to undo a cvs rm of all the files in a directory? [13:19:37] yes [13:19:37] piratepenguin [declan@moz-B7DDDC03.cust.iol.ie] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [13:19:40] start>(all)programs>accessories>command prompt [13:19:48] ok [13:19:59] aw1_afk [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] is now known as aw1 [13:20:00] I haven't committed it yet, but I don't want to type cvs add foo; cvs up foo; for each file [13:20:00] taskmgr [13:20:09] select the processes tab [13:20:14] view>select columns [13:20:19] make sure PID is checked [13:20:20] click ok [13:20:45] ok [13:20:47] select the applications tab [13:20:55] view>details [13:20:58] click status [13:21:13] scroll to the top, your app should appear next to "not responding" [13:21:22] hm, my crasher.exe is a console app :-/ [13:21:36] um, does it not appear this way? [13:21:39] ah, I figured out a way [13:21:40] timeless doesn't have crash.exe handy [13:21:40] no [13:21:45] but the real prog is a win32 app [13:21:46] 1 sec [13:21:53] ok, is it ok to know the name of the app? [13:21:56] if so we can skip this step [13:22:00] i'm assuming real apps [13:23:12] db48x: cvs -Q diff -uN | sed -n 's/^Index: //p' | xargs cvs add ? ;) [13:23:13] ok, got it [13:23:15] yeah [13:23:25] right click your app [13:23:30] so right click, go to process [13:23:31] piratepenguin [declan@moz-F0560314.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #developers [13:23:32] yes [13:23:39] ok [13:23:46] gavin: I suppose that might work [13:23:50] you should now see the process name (don't care) and the PID (important) [13:23:56] go back to the command prompt [13:24:09] ok [13:24:15] gavin: I just went up a directory, nuked the director I was in, said 'oops', and did cvs co -d thedirectory module/path/to/thedirectory [13:24:17] ntsd -p (pid) [13:24:34] ok [13:24:50] .dump [13:25:01] at this point you've gotten me to the point where i need to pick the flags i want to use [13:25:04] which means reading help [13:25:05] please wait [13:25:11] (this is not part of the script) [13:25:13] it says minidump is hte default [13:25:28] awesome [13:25:55] anyway, can you just pick the rest of this? [13:26:06] ArjendeJager [Arjen@moz-8E780B4D.solcon.nl] has joined #developers [13:26:10] yeah [13:26:12] note that the ntsd that ships w/ windows nt is very basic [13:26:12] thanks [13:26:19] all i need is .dump [13:26:25] i don't have symbols on that machine anyway [13:26:28] if you can get the user to have the debugging tools installed, you can use a real ntsd [13:26:37] which lets you do the full .dump stuff [13:26:54] how do i quit ntsd? [13:26:56] i think you want /mfh [13:26:59] .quit? [13:27:05] no [13:27:09] use: [13:27:11] .deatch [13:27:12] erm [13:27:15] .detach [13:27:30] still doesn't quit [13:27:31] heh [13:27:44] yeah, but detach is the important bit [13:27:51] once you've detached you could just ^C [13:27:52] ok [13:27:59] timeless tries to remember :( [13:28:02] i think i did it 5mins ago [13:28:04] /mfh gives be a huge dump [13:28:15] depends what you want to debug [13:28:19] /m alone might be good enough [13:28:21] it compresses ok i guess [13:28:25] timeless prefers /mfh [13:28:39] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-96DBC89B.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #developers [13:28:46] oh, include /u :) [13:28:58] what's that? [13:28:58] moz_fan [chatzilla@moz-8C0E07DC.bungeelabs.com] has joined #developers [13:29:13] it gives the process a name based on what its pid and death or such was [13:29:22] disadvantage is explaining to the user how to find the file [13:29:27] advantage is that the filename is meaningful [13:29:34] tossup, choose yourself [13:30:07] is -moz-user-select a supported property? [13:30:10] josh [josh@moz-6FB8A417.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: josh [13:30:15] eh, doesn't give me any more info [13:30:23] i bet our finnish dev won't know what to do with it either [13:30:26] oh [13:30:30] "q" is the exit command [13:30:35] heh [13:30:36] sorry, it's too simple :) [13:30:40] coop_lunch [Chris@moz-89175FC9.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop [13:30:47] found under "exiting the debugger" [13:31:28] qd (quit and detach) is probably the right choice [13:31:36] much easier to explain than '.detach' 'q' [13:32:08] anyway. thus ends the lesson [13:32:26] feel free to post a blog with a trackback to the msdn blog and explain that they're being incredibly silly :) [13:32:47] CTho [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho|work [13:33:07] timeless decides to try to crash telnet [13:33:23] i don't have a blog [13:33:29] ok, i crashed ftp instead [13:33:32] but that would make a pretty decent blog post [13:33:40] i just wish MS had included a reg key for developers to use [13:33:50] "don't delete that crash dump please" [13:33:54] wanna use the gecko wiki? [13:34:02] timeless ponders [13:34:15] hrm, vista's netstat now requires -f to see FQDNs [13:34:16] it's not so relevant to us, really [13:34:17] i think that's possible to arrange [13:34:20] airbag should fix that :-P [13:34:24] timeless sighs [13:34:30] it's a reasonable abuse [13:34:35] I have an element with -moz-user-select:none; one of it's children is a text field... I can't get selection to turn back on the text field. Is there something special I have to do? [13:34:40] my crashreporter.exe has a flag you can set t okeep the minidump [13:35:00] anyway, for the console app case, we have to do this: [13:35:11] should be nice, considering we should have a usable symbol server too [13:36:06] I this thing on? [13:36:15] coop [Chris@moz-89175FC9.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop_afk [13:36:15] no [13:36:20] it's definitely off [13:36:37] SM 1.1 attempts to load "uxtheme.dll" on my Win2K box, a file that doesn't exist. From my brief reading it seems that uxtheme.dll is a WinXP+ thing. Can anyone confirm or deny that uxtheme.dll is ever present on versions of Windows that pre-date WinXP? [13:36:41] luser goes back to what he was doing [13:36:56] swsnyder: why do you care? [13:37:08] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@E44B3710.9E0B49AF.8FBA2449.IP] has joined #developers [13:37:14] does it refuse to launch? [13:37:23] I take it no one knows anything about -moz-user-select... [13:37:28] brendan [chatzilla@F7DC80AD.D75FC386.59D942FA.IP] has joined #developers [13:37:31] roc [chatzilla@95EAA166.4D50A8B3.51B17ACE.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [13:37:31] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@E44B3710.9E0B49AF.8FBA2449.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [13:37:39] moz_fan: roc and neil probably do [13:37:43] bz and dbaron probably do [13:37:50] i probably don't care even though i probably did [13:38:01] thanks [13:38:28] graydon [graydon@F7DC80AD.D75FC386.59D942FA.IP] has joined #developers [13:38:42] Because I'm running SM on a notebook with a slow hard disk. Part of the start-up time is attempting to load 4 DLLs that are never present on my Win2K system. I'm wondering if uxtheme.dll is ever present on *anyone's* Win2K system. [13:39:32] swsnyder: i'd expect it to be present on some ms dev's 2k oxes [13:39:44] and if someone wants to implement a uxtheme for 2k, they should be able to [13:40:02] e.g. the e devs [13:41:03] Symbolic Debugger for Windows 2000 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. [13:41:06] timeless chuckles [13:41:09] so... how about it roc, neil, bz or dbaron... How do I get a text field to recieve selection when it is a child of an element with -moz-user-select: none;? [13:41:11] is that bad? :) [13:42:29] ok, i really can't find a pid anywhere [13:42:35] !peb is what i used to crash ntsd [13:42:41] and it's what'd know [13:42:48] (the commandline for dwwin) [13:42:52] oh [13:42:54] msinfo! [13:43:16] darin [darin@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has joined #developers [13:44:32] luser: out of curiosity, if you run drwtsn32 is [ ] create crash dump file [13:44:33] unchecked? [13:44:50] no, it's checked [13:45:06] and if you send a report to microsoft, is that file available and does it not have what you want? [13:45:43] danbeck [danbeck@4C47D49A.9CC1D69A.52393332.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [13:46:04] nothing gets written [13:46:31] ok [13:46:34] oh well [13:46:48] it's possible to turn off windows error reporting which would leave you w/ the file [13:46:53] but then you don't report to ms [13:46:59] and there's no provision to send a report later [13:47:02] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] is now known as dria-afk [13:47:12] (that's a documented thing :( ) [13:47:21] the machine i'm concerned with doesn't have an internet connection [13:47:39] in that case, disable windows error reporting and you'll get a dump [13:47:50] that *is* possible [13:47:56] and it's documented [13:48:11] timeless tries to figure out just how many dead apps are on this system atm [13:48:11] ah [13:48:30] i think it's 2 firefoxes, a ftp, and an ntsd [13:49:39] timeless: Did you purposefully drop a list of names of people that aren't even in the group right now? [13:49:44] danbeck [danbeck@4C47D49A.9CC1D69A.52393332.IP] has joined #developers [13:49:49] roc? yes [13:50:03] the others? no [13:50:43] josh [josh@moz-A71BB31F.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #developers [13:51:11] timeless: well... let me know when you probably DO care about -moz-user-select. I'll be right here... [13:52:57] ArjendeJager [Arjen@moz-8E780B4D.solcon.nl] has left #developers [13:53:04] timeless: i tried disabling it and i don't get a dump file [13:53:46] heh, there is a "corporate upload file path" [13:54:43] In Configure Error Reporting, you can enter: [13:54:45] . [13:54:45] Text with which to replace instances of the word "Microsoft" [13:55:12] haha, crazy [13:55:22] \c$\tmp\cabs\crasherwin.exe\\crasherwin.exe\\00001190 [13:55:26] 0178F828.cab [13:55:36] inside that cab file is the minidump [13:56:00] was that using the corporate upload?? [13:56:03] i set corporate upload file path to \\mymachine\c#\tmp\ [13:56:05] c$ [13:56:06] yes [13:56:12] problem solved? :) [13:56:21] that's still an awful path [13:56:25] but might be easier [13:56:49] looks like a lot safer than relying on the user pulling the file out of the user.dmp place before it's stomped [13:57:08] sspitzerMsgMe [sspitzer@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [13:58:17] yes [13:58:53] it's suppoerted in xpsp2 too [13:58:54] rginda [rginda@CA39FFCD.67E9D44.304D653D.IP] has joined #developers [13:59:22] heh, they have a pdf documenting it [14:00:56] yeah, i just did it in xp :) [14:03:04] hrm [14:03:15] i wonder if CER means there is a way to resend a report to ms [14:05:55] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Input/output error [14:06:36] timeless: http://blogs.msdn.com/adioltean/archive/2005/01/05/346793.aspx [14:06:38] crazy [14:06:51] i'm not done reading about CER [14:07:33] dria-afk [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] is now known as dria [14:11:53] luser: fairly spiffy [14:11:55] odd though [14:12:13] someone was talking about the volume shadow copy stuff in #opensolaris earlier toda [14:12:26] they were implementing zfs emulation for it for cifs/samba [14:12:42] since zfs has real persistable snapshotting [14:12:44] rginda [rginda@CA39FFCD.67E9D44.304D653D.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [14:13:04] smaugAway [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaug [14:13:29] shaver: did you find rob_strong? [14:14:53] aw1 [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] is now known as aw1_afk [14:15:11] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [14:17:55] philly [b6001a14@8347DB3A.61587D70.1139E686.IP] is now known as philly\ [14:18:04] philly\ [b6001a14@8347DB3A.61587D70.1139E686.IP] is now known as philly|afk [14:19:38] interesting [14:19:42] CER isn't a ms tech [14:20:12] either that or Contoso is a sample company [14:20:15] timeless can't figure out which [14:20:19] probably the latter :( [14:20:22] Amos [ahayes@moz-945E65BD.gcrc.carleton.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: Amos [14:23:39] hish [chatzilla@FC55F53A.97A9480E.F9BB06FE.IP] has joined #developers [14:23:45] db48x wonders if an html img tag will work with -moz-image-region [14:24:40] aw1_afk [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] is now known as aw1 [14:24:43] petea [petea@moz-B23F21FD.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [14:25:07] oh! [14:25:12] luser? [14:25:17] Software\Policies\Mic [14:25:17] rosoft\PCHealth\Error [14:25:17] Reporting\ForceQueu [14:25:18] eMode [14:25:23] check that out :) [14:25:57] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-79DFBA5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/0000000000] [14:26:06] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] is now known as bc-afk [14:27:07] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo_away [14:28:46] yeah, contoso is one of the Microsoft standard example company names [14:29:04] i don't think i've seen it in years [14:29:19] go look at www.contoso.com then :p [14:29:23] but it has a slight tingle of a resonance or something [14:29:52] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:29:54] looks like they want to seel me a zune [14:29:58] timeless wonders that that is [14:30:02] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-96DBC89B.nys.biz.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [14:30:17] (see also http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2006/10/13/822124.aspx ) [14:31:16] brendan [chatzilla@F7DC80AD.D75FC386.59D942FA.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:32:45] preed-afk [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [14:32:47] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [14:34:27] timeless: Contoso is a sample company [14:34:54] yeah yeah [14:35:02] NeilAway saves himself the trouble of looking up Raymond Chen's blog ;-) [14:35:40] http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2006/10/13/822124.aspx#825300 [14:35:43] timeless likes that [14:36:00] aw1 [Andreas_Wu@1E41E707.58F5DEAD.308B59B7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1b/2006110203] [14:37:17] https://www.woodgrovebank.com/ [14:38:20] coop_afk [Chris@moz-89175FC9.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop [14:38:26] timeless: do you have a few minutes to talk Inspector? [14:38:42] it's 1038pm [14:38:46] i'll listen [14:39:18] dolphinling [chatzilla@F888A381.A869895A.C2F92C85.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: going home for vacation [14:39:31] timeless: "could not verify this certificate for unknown reasons" hmm [14:39:34] so I've got a patch that enables the toolkit app target for extensions... but I'm wondering how best to migrate Inspector (and other common tools) from the app-specific targets to the toolkit target [14:39:47] jesse: i don't think i get that? [14:39:53] WeirdAl: do it later [14:39:56] e.g. second-step [14:39:56] timeless: what do you get? [14:40:08] jesse: oh [14:40:11] timeless frowns [14:40:18] bsmedberg: of course second-step. I'm just wondering what that step will look like. [14:40:23] timeless tries not to crash [14:40:26] WeirdAl: but for inspector at least it should be easy... just edit the inspector install.rdf [14:40:29] I'm trying to plan ahead :) [14:40:47] http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/extensions/inspector/install.rdf [14:40:50] jesse: i'm an end user, i dismissed that dialog [14:40:59] WeirdAl: that sounds like a cool patch [14:40:59] didn't you? [14:41:27] but seriously [14:41:32] once i've dismissed the dialog [14:41:39] the lock icon i get is the same one i get for gmail [14:41:45] isn't that kinda silly? [14:42:01] and please don't tell me i'm supposed to have a clue about this yellow stuff [14:42:04] because i don't [14:42:21] db48x: coolness factor aside, it wasn't easy [14:42:48] bsmedberg: hm, maybe I should be more specific... do I remove the app-specific targets at the same time as I add the toolkit target? [14:43:03] WeirdAl: they're not needed any more, are they? [14:43:10] "dunno" [14:43:17] they might be needed for update.rdf [14:43:32] (aka addons.m.o) [14:43:47] WeirdAl: you need to know the answer to that question before you proceed ;-) [14:44:02] WeirdAl: and you should probably file bugs on AMO to make it toolkit-ID-aware [14:44:22] good point on amo [14:44:28] mvl [michiel@moz-2F035FEA.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [14:44:49] redfive_x64 [chatzilla@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has joined #developers [14:44:58] hrm [14:45:05] does ff2 have antiphishing? [14:45:13] yes [14:45:17] [14:45:18] for existing apps I'd leave the app specific targets in [14:45:28] what happens if you go there? [14:45:43] db48x: temporarily, sure, but I'd like to remove them in the long run if possible [14:45:46] Is there a way to get at the JS Context from within a JS component? [14:45:55] I see the cpp method, but ... [14:46:03] can't find one for js. [14:46:09] redfive: eh? [14:46:42] Or a better question. I need to find the domain from within a call to canCreateWrapper for my js component. Is there an easier way than to ask for the origin from the js context? [14:46:49] WeirdAl: put a comment in the rdf files, so that the app specific targets can be removed at some point. you probably only want to do it when the app is no longer compatible with old versions of the target that don't support the toolkit target [14:47:18] timeless: an equivalent to GetJSContext() [14:47:52] brendan [chatzilla@F7DC80AD.D75FC386.59D942FA.IP] has joined #developers [14:48:07] WeirdAl: for example, if the current dom inspector is still compatible with firefox 1.5, then it still needs to list firefox 1.5 as a possible target, because firefox 1.5 doesn't have a toolkit target [14:48:44] db48x: true, but eventually fx1.5 will see its end of life [14:48:53] if, in the future, some other change is made that makes inspector incompatible with firefox 1.5, then that target can be removed [14:49:12] inspector isn't backwards-compatible [14:49:18] venkman is, I think [14:49:23] Components.stack.caller.filename? [14:49:28] WeirdAl: sure, but people might still use it for years [14:49:43] timeless: Aha, that might work. [14:50:02] venkman goes back to Mozilla 1.0 [14:50:04] anyway, that doesn't seem like a critical detail [14:50:13] at least, it used to be. [14:51:00] does asa not do IRC? [14:51:08] not often, to my knowledge [14:51:48] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [14:52:08] he's basically abandonned it :( [14:52:12] (over a year ago) [14:52:17] one n [14:52:22] but, ok ;-) [14:52:25] bah [14:52:29] thx [14:52:48] timeless can't figure out a good way to prove this [14:55:17] mark [mark@moz-C4D14A2E.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [14:55:55] mark [mark@moz-C4D14A2E.net] has joined #developers [14:57:06] dbaron [dbaron@moz-1559392A.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: ->office [14:59:45] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit IRC: Client exited [14:59:58] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #developers [15:00:21] http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/07/13/181733.aspx#181779 [15:00:22] timeless rotfl [15:02:32] BenB [ben@moz-DF154B04.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit IRC: Client exited [15:03:12] alice|afk [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice [15:04:08] einpoklum [someone@moz-DB87634F.dynamic.barak-online.net] has joined #developers [15:04:38] I just downloaded a build from sea-win32-tbox-trunk [15:04:43] went to imageshack.us [15:04:45] and got this: [15:04:46] http://img347.imageshack.us/img347/2930/shotih9.png [15:06:43] I guess -moz-image-region work on html images :( [15:08:19] I don't see this in my self compiled suiterunner build from 20061211 [15:08:46] so 2 days back should be safe to use? [15:09:10] stephend|reading doesn't see it either [15:09:45] timeless loves windbg [15:09:48] 0:000> dt cx js3250!JSContext fp->down->script->filename [15:10:06] seeing similar problems with 2006-12-14-09 from the latest-nightly dir [15:10:18] just in classic? [15:10:20] einpoklum: safe to use and seamonkey trunk are two thing I won't say in the same sentence [15:10:21] what about modern? [15:10:51] Aqualon: I've been using sm trunk since, well, since switching from ns4 [15:11:13] stephend|reading: what, use the modern theme? [15:11:21] bc-afk [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] is now known as bc [15:11:31] WeirdAl: any reason you can't just add the toolkit target, and leave the entire rest of the system alone? [15:11:46] Hannibal: personally, that was my plan for the short term [15:12:07] er, I probably wasn't clear, I just read some more scrollback [15:12:07] einpoklum, yeah [15:12:15] for the long term, I'm debating whether we want to keep the app-specific ones... the consensus I'm getting in here says "yes, keep the old ones" [15:12:16] einpoklum, not that I'm expecting it to fix the bug you see [15:12:23] or maybe I was. [15:12:28] and yeah, keep the old ones. [15:12:39] they're not actually in the way, right? :) [15:12:44] stephend|reading: that's weird advice, but ok... [15:13:36] why is it weird? [15:13:36] stephend|reading: same thing... and I'm not checking my power cabling or the gravitational constant next! [15:13:51] piratepenguin [declan@moz-F0560314.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [15:14:00] because the problem is with the rendered page, not the theme... [15:14:12] I was thinking that since scrollbars in classic are drawn natively... [15:14:14] oh, whatever [15:14:46] at least it works for me [15:15:00] no, the scrollbars reflect the fact that somehow that page has been rendered as super-huge [15:15:12] ok, backing up nightly by 3 days [15:15:20] if that don't work, i'll try a fresh profile [15:16:22] try the pre-reflow landing build [15:16:35] which is? [15:16:41] 0x804b003d [15:16:47] timeless wonders what that is [15:16:52] oh, that's neat, profile manager says i don't have any available profiles [15:16:58] sm is just full of surprises today [15:17:11] einpoklum, any build before 2006-12-07 21:38 [15:17:13] would we really trigger a cache error here? [15:19:48] stephend|reading: if it would be the fault of reflow branch landing, shouldn't I see it too in my suiterunner build? [15:20:20] Aqualon, yeah, I'm just grasping for straws. I dont' see it in my trunk XP seamonkey build either [15:22:05] hrm [15:22:16] is shlibsign supposed to fail in the bsmedberg msys builds? [15:22:31] timeless: yes, there's a patch [15:23:13] ok [15:23:15] since you're around [15:23:24] why would my build fail trying to find objdir/Makefile.in ? [15:23:33] stephend|reading: seeing the same bug with 2006-12-06-09 trunk [15:24:08] timeless: probably busted VPATH [15:24:08] shrug. nobody else can repro [15:24:14] or busted $(srcdir) [15:24:32] einpoklum: try a new profile [15:24:58] $ echo obj-*/Makefile [15:24:58] obj-firefox-i686-pc-mingw32/Makefile obj-xulrunner-i686-pc-mingw32/Makefile [15:25:01] $ diff obj-*/Makefile [15:25:03] $ [15:25:21] if it's busted, where would it be busted? [15:25:26] Aqualon: my profile manager is empty... but 'create' works [15:25:39] oh, and do we have an env var for $(moz_app) ? [15:25:43] timeless: look at the "srcdir = " line in the Makefile ? [15:25:52] bsmedberg: i have 2 trees [15:25:53] moz_app means what? [15:25:56] Aqualon: yay! for once i can reproduce a bug with a new profile... [15:25:57] xulrunner builds [15:26:03] firefox dies looking for Makefile.in [15:26:15] xulrunner/firefox <- moz_app [15:26:28] we have MOZ_BUILD_APP [15:26:37] can i use that for the OBJDIR name? [15:27:01] welp, time to file a bug... http://img184.imageshack.us/img184/5047/shotfn4.png [15:27:27] i guess i can? [15:27:28] einpoklum, are you blocking images? [15:27:31] timeless: I'm not sure, actually [15:27:36] einpoklum, from advertisers? [15:27:38] config.status has it [15:27:53] timeless: I suspect not, because we read mozconfig before we set that, I think [15:27:57] hrm [15:28:02] it's not a config.status [15:28:27] unless you set MOZ_BUILD_APP in mozconfig, which you could do instead of doing --enable-application=foo [15:28:36] but that's a secret hack ;-) [15:28:44] hish [chatzilla@FC55F53A.97A9480E.F9BB06FE.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.4/2006072904] [15:28:55] stephend|reading: when you reinstall sm you don't get adblockplus [15:28:56] think you could find some supportable way to do this? [15:29:03] but I'll try wiping the install dir just in case [15:29:58] clean install dir, fresh profile (btw, profile manager comes up empty for me somehow) [15:30:07] profile manager sucks [15:30:11] it crashes [15:30:14] it's empty [15:30:20] it can't delete things correctly [15:32:00] stephend|reading: it would have to show the profiles in order to delete them... :-( [15:32:24] I really hate hacking unfamiliar code [15:33:13] We're working on redoing bmo's front page. If you have useful ideas, join #mozwebtools and let us know. [15:34:29] smontagu [smontagu@moz-B2A4F6C8.broadband.actcom.net.il] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [15:34:31] tomg [chatzilla@moz-E9CC63E7.dsl.easynet.nl] has joined #developers [15:35:43] kaie [kaie@moz-DD309B03.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [15:36:46] cf [chatzilla@CFDD6F64.775757D.4B50E195.IP] is now known as cf-afk [15:37:10] stephend|reading wonders when tinderbox and bonsai will get cavendash(dish?) [15:38:35] tomg [chatzilla@moz-E9CC63E7.dsl.easynet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.76 [XULRunner] [15:38:52] tomg [chatzilla@moz-E9CC63E7.dsl.easynet.nl] has joined #developers [15:40:12] WERWOLF [WERWOLF@moz-99D41E60.adsl.nextra.cz] has quit IRC: Quit: ¡Hasta la vista! [15:41:17] Sander [me@moz-89A81292.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: And back he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky. [15:44:46] dish.. [15:47:47] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-1170544E.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #developers [15:50:41] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@254C804E.8CACD5B3.CCD0BDD1.IP] has joined #developers [15:51:11] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@254C804E.8CACD5B3.CCD0BDD1.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [15:51:23] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@254C804E.8CACD5B3.CCD0BDD1.IP] has joined #developers [15:51:27] Enn [enn@moz-F0E247D9.eicat.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.72 [SeaMonkey 1.0/2006013012] [15:52:50] GWUltimate [GWUltimate@254C804E.8CACD5B3.CCD0BDD1.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Continuing to question common belief... [15:53:27] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-96DBC89B.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #developers [15:55:37] aja [chatzilla@moz-65542593.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #developers [15:58:32] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Input/output error [15:59:30] IanN [IanN@moz-F6E071BC.cable.ubr02.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #developers [16:01:38] orph [nobody@moz-8F1A9794.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #developers [16:02:31] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-9A727803.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [16:04:59] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] is now known as aaronaway [16:06:22] Sander [me@moz-89A81292.speed.planet.nl] has joined #developers [16:06:28] roc [chatzilla@95EAA166.4D50A8B3.51B17ACE.IP] has joined #developers [16:06:32] Standard8Away [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] is now known as Standard8 [16:07:06] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has joined #developers [16:08:04] laurentj [Laurentj@moz-234B5D94.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #developers [16:09:39] stephend|reading [stephend@moz-93EB7CBA.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [16:11:04] josh [josh@moz-A71BB31F.mpls.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Quit: josh [16:11:49] anlan got a review in 13 minutes... Wow! [16:17:12] <@stuart> it does happen... [16:18:05] philor [ringnalda@moz-C553440C.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [16:20:00] Standard8 [mark@moz-BD7E5647.demon.co.uk] has quit IRC: Quit: time for z [16:21:57] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] is now known as bc-fud [16:22:18] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [16:22:26] mkaply [mkaply@moz-AF67F6E3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [16:22:26] ChanServ [services@mozilla.org] has set mode +o mkaply [16:27:43] New build added to Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey: WINNT 5.1 tpol Depend (1.1) (status: Success). [16:29:01] josh [josh@moz-6FB8A417.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #developers [16:29:44] Build 'WINNT 5.1 tpol Depend (1.1)' has dropped from the 'Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey' tinderbox. [16:31:41] aja [chatzilla@moz-65542593.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] is now known as aja-away [16:31:42] _william_ [_william_@moz-C1AD754C.net-82-216-151.suresnes3.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #developers [16:31:56] _william_ [_william_@moz-C1AD754C.net-82-216-151.suresnes3.rev.numericable.fr] has quit IRC: Client exited [16:32:47] mao|afk [Miranda@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [16:33:16] swsnyder [chatzilla@moz-93663BEF.mclnva23.covad.net] has left #developers: User is away. [16:33:42] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-457FEBAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [16:38:18] Anyone got time to check in a patch from bug 363879? [16:38:30] it has sr? [16:38:39] r+sr from roc [16:38:57] if i go home, i could... [16:39:48] probably they already shut the door from the outside ;) [16:39:53] I'll bounce back later and check again otherwise, nop [16:40:10] smaug hopes timeless isn't in the office ;) [16:40:25] if i was home i'd commit it now.. [16:40:49] einpoklum [someone@moz-DB87634F.dynamic.barak-online.net] has left #developers [16:41:31] though, the best time in Ruoholahti is probably now. No one else there... [16:42:32] igo1 [igor@moz-357D8636.nextgentel.com] has joined #developers [16:45:10] smaug tries to remember how the event dispatching works in ancient 1.8 branch. [16:45:21] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-1170544E.west.biz.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: kreeger [16:45:51] dmose [dmose@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [16:49:01] philor [ringnalda@moz-C553440C.eug.or.uspops.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:49:12] mento [mark@F4381B10.C8C6FF5E.4065847B.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: mento [16:51:29] cbarrett wonders if JRex is dead or not. [16:53:02] a java implementaion of Rexx? [16:53:09] that doesn't make a lot of sense [16:53:44] preed [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed-afk [16:54:29] db48x: jrex.mozdev.org [16:54:57] bc-fud [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] is now known as bc [16:56:41] raccettura [raccettura@moz-2D8792DD.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: leaving [16:57:04] ah [16:57:08] db48x the closest I know of would be a rexx implementation of Java: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/awdtools/netrexx/ [16:57:38] that's even worse [16:58:11] that's rexx written in java [16:58:16] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-96DBC89B.nys.biz.rr.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:58:17] or running on a jvm, either one [16:59:21] mark [mark@moz-C4D14A2E.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [16:59:32] cbarrett: I don't know anything about it, but with the last update from over a year ago… [16:59:40] Yeah. [16:59:59] NetRexx allows you to write REXX code and it generates Java code [17:00:19] sspitzerMsgMe [sspitzer@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:00:54] oh, I must be an idiot [17:01:02] I just went out and bought a switch [17:01:14] so that I could plug my two computers into one network jack [17:01:23] but I didn't buy a third network cable [17:01:31] sdwilsh|study chuckles [17:01:33] http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/command_line_fu.png [17:02:05] heh [17:02:46] I'd like to see what an IPv6 map looks like [17:03:20] blank [17:03:21] ;) [17:03:38] yea, almost [17:03:45] green, in this case [17:04:20] mark [mark@moz-C4D14A2E.net] has joined #developers [17:04:44] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-96DBC89B.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #developers [17:04:54] well, there are 79228162514264337593543950336 times as many addresses in IPv6 than there are in IPv4 [17:05:06] That's a big fractal map. [17:05:28] so that means each side of the picture would be 281474976710656 times longer [17:05:32] I would think you'd want to use a mapping technique to compress empty space. [17:06:04] so it'd be like 208291482765885440px wide [17:06:06] mcsmurf [chatzilla@moz-457FEBAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/0000000000] [17:06:21] dc -e '340282366920938463463374607431768211456 4294967296/v740*f' [17:07:07] yea, but if you just compress the empty space then you haven't created a representative map [17:07:13] IanN [IanN@moz-F6E071BC.cable.ubr02.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [17:07:16] cbarrett: almost got that growl stuff! [17:07:20] Mnyromyr [Mnyromyr@B2521176.7B0892CB.771966F7.IP] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [17:07:23] IanN [IanN@moz-F6E071BC.cable.ubr02.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #developers [17:07:33] but on the other hand, we can almost always reduce that amount [17:07:42] for example, most assignments are /48s [17:07:53] Mnyromyr [Mnyromyr@B2521176.7B0892CB.771966F7.IP] has joined #developers [17:07:59] or rather the smallest assignments are usually /48 [17:08:07] sspitzerMsgMe [sspitzer@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [17:08:55] so instead of 2^128, we could graph just 2^48 prefixes [17:09:11] whimboo [whimboo@moz-8CB92143.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:09:11] elche [ernesto@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:10:12] so that would make the map just 65536 times larger [17:10:22] so just 189440px on a side [17:10:24] *just* [17:10:45] sdwilsh|study: yea :) [17:11:03] by the way - I think you are crazy for vouching for me for a cvs account :p [17:11:05] sdwilsh|study: I read that IPv6 has enough addresses to give each square meter of the earth's surface 1500 addresses :) [17:11:07] hmm, i wonder how svg likes fractal curves? [17:11:18] sdwilsh|study: why do you say that? [17:11:22] good way to test cairo subpixel stuff [17:11:29] shebs: now there's a good question [17:11:38] I was reading over the requirements - I think I might be close, but not quite tehre [17:12:09] sdwilsh|study: well, you know how to program, and you know how to file a bug, and you know how to fix a bug, and you know that you're supposed to watch the tree [17:12:20] a dollar for the first person to get fractal curve crash into bugzilla, payable at next summit [17:12:40] elche [ernesto@moz-E0DB377C.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #developers [17:12:40] all you need is to have written 3 patches, so that you can get three different srs [17:12:42] shebs: just a dollar? [17:12:50] db48x: well, I have that [17:12:58] db48x: but not from 3 sr's [17:13:04] sdwilsh|study: so what do you lack, or what did I leave out? [17:13:09] sdwilsh|study: it's just symbolic :) [17:13:17] db48x: not much work with c++ [17:13:24] db48x: in fact, no reviewed work [17:13:33] everything is still "pending" [17:13:39] I didn't have any reviewed work with c++ when I got my cvs access [17:13:49] pending or otherwise [17:13:54] JasnaPaka [jasnapaka@moz-11625C49.karneval.cz] has quit IRC: Quit: Kdo zna, vi. [17:13:57] aja-away [chatzilla@moz-65542593.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] is now known as aja [17:14:47] moz is more paranoid about cvs than fsf [17:15:15] I see [17:15:18] coop [Chris@moz-89175FC9.dsl.bell.ca] is now known as coop_away [17:15:23] fsf only requires one other maintainer to vouch for the person [17:15:27] I figure I'll do what needs to be done on that bug after my exams though [17:15:48] sdwilsh|study: just request sr's from new people for the next bug or two and you'll be fine [17:17:31] trev [trev@moz-A7FA92C0.bluecom.no] has joined #developers [17:17:41] sayrer: ping [17:17:57] trev: pong [17:18:40] Peter6: you seeing that bug on all bookmarks, not just bookmarks toolbar ones? [17:18:41] sayrer: only wanted to ask - is there a reason why you don't check in the testcase for bug 252326? [17:18:56] trev: yeah, that's the one that takes a long time, right [17:19:08] aja: I just changed the summary ;-) [17:19:09] trev: I'll check it in when the build bug is fixed [17:19:26] I don't want that test spooking people [17:19:28] sayrer: yes, it is huge and it tries to open lots of popups... [17:19:48] I see [17:19:53] I can hear it already [17:20:05] "I would write tests but it takes too long to run them" [17:20:18] Peter6: you're quick today! [17:20:32] KaiRo_away [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] is now known as KaiRo [17:21:00] m7ncd [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [17:21:16] aja: yeah, I was looking for more ez to find regressions, so obviously I tested the menu and sidebar aswell [17:21:53] Peter6: change component to bookmarks i/o toolbars? [17:21:57] sayrer: I actually reduced the time for this one, my original tests took longer :) [17:22:31] aja: doesn't matter, let's leave that to Martijn [17:22:56] Peter6: we *are* using Places bookmarks again, aren't we? [17:23:01] Hannibal [Hannibal@moz-56384856.direct-adsl.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: sleep [17:23:03] no [17:24:13] eletido [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:24:30] sure? i know that a new places bookmarks option was added within last couple weeks. maybe it sneaked into a build config change? [17:24:40] aja: places stuff is checked in, but places isn't enabled in the build [17:24:56] josh_ [josh@moz-6FB8A417.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #developers [17:24:56] shebs: say, does that offer require a testcase? ;) [17:25:13] aja: see about:buildconfig [17:25:30] db48x: i assume the test is in the bug! [17:26:24] Peter6: DOI [17:27:00] aja: what's DOI ? [17:27:22] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [17:27:22] ChanServ [services@mozilla.org] has set mode +o dbaron [17:27:29] aja saw Spamalot recently [17:27:54] <@dbaron> robcee, I just read http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/qa/archives/2006/12/test_tool_spotlight_reftest.html -- the comment 8 you refer to was about something else entirely, and I didn't know about the issue you raised. We should have bugs filed about this... [17:28:09] wow my xulrunner build finished! [17:28:15] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-BD72A0C8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [17:28:23] on the perf measurement topic again, is there any machinery to measure network code/latency time vs browser processing time? [17:28:29] dbaron: can you help us w/ an ff2 layout problem? [17:28:38] not seeing anything obvious from rooting around in lxr [17:28:49] Peter6: 'ti like "doh!" kinda sorta [17:28:50] we're in #mozwebtools finalizing the next bugzilla version [17:29:07] k [17:29:23] shebs: check moztimeline [17:29:33] it probably won't work, but it's worth a check [17:30:15] timeless: "Search failed" for "moztimeline" [17:30:25] --enable-timeline ? [17:30:49] (just search for timeline) [17:31:22] timeless: ah, MOZ_TIMELINE [17:35:57] eletido [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #developers [17:36:34] nosebleed [sean@moz-6177BC78.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #developers [17:38:42] geez, the timeline stuff is old [17:38:54] Contributor: [17:38:59] it dates to when netscape was working on perf [17:39:06] ogg@netscape.com [17:39:19] alley_oop@netscape.com [17:39:19] now i feel young, i don't remember ogg [17:39:43] of course, they could have been interns... [17:39:56] actually, i'm making that up, the code predates the naming of humans [17:40:07] (contributors is empty) [17:40:26] hey, i haven't filled in contributors since [17:40:54] thought it was a coding standard? [17:41:19] if you donate the file, you can do what you want [17:41:20] m7ncd [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.1b/2006110700] [17:41:23] the license demands it [17:41:30] but i touch nearly all files [17:41:34] shebs: there are some files that nobody ever seems to update that [17:41:41] and i do many mass changes [17:41:44] it's really pointless [17:41:45] shebs: like nsGenericElement.cpp [17:42:04] I don' t add myself unless I write something substantive [17:43:34] i suppose there are files no one would want to admit to writing :) [17:43:39] tomg [chatzilla@moz-E9CC63E7.dsl.easynet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.76 [XULRunner] [17:44:24] Hm, never read the requirements for cvs access, wonder if I should check which people have sr'ed my patches or continue pester people here for checkins. :-) [17:44:42] preed-afk [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [17:46:15] Wevah [Wevah@moz-3111035.cloudnet.com] has quit IRC: Quit: abgaga [17:47:06] smaug [chatzilla@moz-DDD2A5AD.pp.htv.fi] is now known as smaugZzz [17:47:26] m7ncd [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [17:47:54] danbeck [danbeck@4C47D49A.9CC1D69A.52393332.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [17:48:13] ...talking about that, sayrer - got time for a checkin today as well? [17:48:25] anlan: not now, sorry [17:48:34] ok [17:53:19] Waldo [waldo@moz-34624D61.mit.edu] has joined #developers [17:54:34] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by Mook_) [17:54:44] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [17:54:49] Mnyromyr [Mnyromyr@B2521176.7B0892CB.771966F7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Netscape 7.1/20030624] [17:56:35] Waldo topic [17:57:25] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by Mook_) [17:57:35] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [17:57:36] ug...to bad there isn't a |needed| flag [17:57:45] RyanJ [sciguyryan@moz-2E71806F.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] is now known as RyanJ_afk [17:57:46] re: Bug 360167 [17:58:11] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Quit: connection crapping out again, be back later [17:58:50] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-96DBC89B.nys.biz.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [18:00:02] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:00:36] sspitzerMsgMe [sspitzer@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] is now known as sspitzer [18:01:08] tH [r@] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [18:02:37] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [18:05:14] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [18:08:18] Ryan [rflint@moz-21F4EFE7.res.east.verizon.net] is now known as Ryan|afk [18:09:04] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [18:11:14] josh_ [josh@moz-6FB8A417.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: josh_ [18:11:26] josh [josh@moz-6FB8A417.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: josh [18:12:17] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:13:17] NeilAway wonders why his dictionary omits the word "reminds" [18:13:29] neglects? [18:14:32] shebs [shebs@moz-C34F7416.lv.lv.cox.net] has quit IRC: Quit: shebs [18:15:12] trev [trev@moz-A7FA92C0.bluecom.no] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [18:15:28] sp3000 [chatzilla@moz-307F712F.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:15:28] asac [asac@moz-3D9F7B2E.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:16:22] laurentj [Laurentj@moz-234B5D94.fbx.proxad.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [18:18:26] asac [asac@moz-E5058526.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #developers [18:21:37] pamg [pamg@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has quit IRC: Quit: pamg [18:25:56] Tomcat [Tomcat@moz-DE85BC7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Quit: zZz [18:26:30] CTho|work [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho [18:31:31] preed [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed-xmas-scotch [18:31:41] hmm, did reflow branch regress horizontal overflow event dispatching... [18:32:21] dbaron: ? [18:37:15] redfive_x64 [chatzilla@moz-CD0405D8.ptr.us.xo.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [18:37:18] ajschult [ajschult@moz-5FA8B2A8.eng.buffalo.edu] has joined #developers [18:37:47] dmose [dmose@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: dmose [18:38:53] dmose [dmose@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has joined #developers [18:41:55] daim [David_Mart@moz-CA7C6AD6.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:45:10] <@dbaron> smaugZzz, dunno [18:46:30] Build 'WINNT 5.2 tb180-win32-tbox Depend Tb-Nightly' has dropped from the 'Mozilla1.8.0' tinderbox. [18:49:48] sdwilsh|study sighs [18:51:13] rhelmer [rhelmer@moz-B77DEAEB.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: Lost terminal [18:51:49] Mano [chatzilla@moz-9182AE71.bb.netvision.net.il] is now known as ManoZZZ [18:52:14] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [18:52:23] asqueella_ [nickolay@moz-6E4FFFDD.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #developers [18:53:53] asqueella [nickolay@moz-9BBDFAC1.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:54:04] asqueella_ [nickolay@moz-6E4FFFDD.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] is now known as asqueella [18:57:42] daim [David_Mart@moz-28E94E08.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #developers [18:58:48] mark [mark@moz-C4D14A2E.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [18:59:43] Ancestor [miviento@moz-E44A25EC.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has quit IRC: Quit: [19:00:02] dolphinling [chatzilla@moz-419CF0A2.shoreham.net] has joined #developers [19:00:24] m7ncd [fmcz@moz-EBEB552C.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.1b/2006110700] [19:02:09] Elen [El@moz-395FE35C.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:04:07] stevee [Miranda@moz-AF4701AB.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Miranda Instant Messenger -- icq/msn/aim/yahoo/irc/etc -- small, free & powerful -- www.miranda-im.org [19:05:28] mark [mark@moz-C4D14A2E.net] has joined #developers [19:06:40] New build added to Mozilla1.8.0: WINNT 5.2 tb180-win32-tbox Depend Tb-Nightly (status: Success). [19:07:35] <@Hixie> any particular reason why Firefox _wouldn't_ trunk sniff atom/rss/rdf sent as text/html? [19:09:10] graydon [graydon@F7DC80AD.D75FC386.59D942FA.IP] has left #developers [19:12:33] brendan [chatzilla@F7DC80AD.D75FC386.59D942FA.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:13:05] Sander [me@moz-89A81292.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: And back he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky. [19:13:34] tor [tor@moz-BEF5E3BB.austin.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:14:37] bsmedberg: ping [19:15:04] WeirdAl [chatzilla@moz-BD72A0C8.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101023] [19:17:05] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-BD7D3D2E.tmodns.net] has joined #developers [19:17:31] tor [tor@moz-BEF5E3BB.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [19:18:58] Peter6 [Peter6@moz-397FC4D5.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75-rdmsoft [XULRunner] [19:21:41] Hixie: yeah, several [19:21:50] Hixie: can you point me at a file? [19:22:18] <@Hixie> sayrer: http://www.hixie.ch/tests/adhoc/http/content-type/016.rss [19:22:30] <@Hixie> sayrer: on my linux trunk build, no sniffing. on my mac trunk build, sniffing. [19:23:36] <@Hixie> also, i don't understand why 019.rss gets sniffed but 020.rss doesn't [19:25:06] Hixie: because we give up after trying to parse in certain cases [19:25:28] <@Hixie> where? [19:25:37] <@Hixie> the code in http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/browser/components/feeds/src/nsFeedSniffer.cpp#192 doesn't seem like it would treat those two differently [19:25:46] Hixie: that's the sniffer [19:25:56] Hixie: there's another test post-parse [19:26:02] <@Hixie> that code shouldn't tell the difference between 019.rss and 020.rss as far as i can tell [19:26:24] <@Hixie> i see no code that distinguishes "-->" from ">" [19:27:09] Hixie: http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/browser/components/feeds/src/FeedConverter.js#228 [19:29:07] Hixie: changing that is fair game for Fx3, I think [19:29:18] <@Hixie> i don't understand the code you just pointed me to [19:29:26] taras [taras@moz-D0F6A15F.gv.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:29:43] <@Hixie> i'm trying to spec how sniffing should work for HTML5 so that all browsers can do the same thing, so we get out of the utter mess we are in now where interoperability has been thrown out [19:29:47] Hixie: so, we got a feed, but didn't get anything useful [19:29:58] CTho [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [19:30:11] Hixie: if it was sniffed, display it as whatever it claimed to be [19:31:17] Hixie: be sure to spec what happens for responses to methods other than GET ;) [19:32:46] <@Hixie> so 021.rss is sniffed, because the sniffer detects the content as RSS (incorrectly), but then the parser decides it _is_ RSS (for a different reason) and so it doesn't get thrown out [19:32:56] <@Hixie> christ sniffing is so dumb [19:32:57] <@Hixie> ok [19:33:41] Hixie: why is 021 supposed to fail? [19:34:02] <@Hixie> because the first 512/1024/2048 bytes don't contain an RSS feed [19:34:19] <@Hixie> th efirst 2048 bytes just contain two comments [19:34:28] <@Hixie> and the sniffer only looks at the first 512 bytes [19:34:30] <@Hixie> in firefox [19:34:37] oh I see [19:34:48] yeah, sniffer bug [19:35:05] <@Hixie> well unless the sniffer was a complete XML parser, there'd be no way to do it without bugs [19:35:12] <@Hixie> that's what's dumb about sniffing [19:35:16] <@Hixie> anyway [19:35:20] <@Hixie> safari only detects 018.rss [19:35:39] IE7 is the interesting case [19:35:59] <@Hixie> firefox detects all but 17 and 20 as rss [19:36:05] IIRC, BenG claimed to copy their algorithm [19:36:15] <@Hixie> (on mac, my linux build doesn't detect any of them) [19:36:53] <@Hixie> IE detects all of them but 17 as RSS [19:37:02] <@Hixie> though that actually depends on prefs [19:37:11] <@Hixie> (i'm just testing the default here) [19:37:11] Hixie: then 020 is a bug ;) [19:37:26] <@Hixie> 020 would be a bug in the code you just showed me [19:38:31] IE7 thinks that is a feed? [19:38:33] huh [19:38:37] <@Hixie> yes [19:38:55] wgianopoulos [gianopou@moz-7A06A043.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #developers [19:39:37] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox] [19:40:12] would probably be easier to spec a header to turn off sniffing [19:40:46] <@Hixie> how would that help? [19:40:54] <@Hixie> we HAVE a header to turn off sniffing [19:40:57] <@Hixie> it's called Content-Type [19:41:17] yeah, except for all those web servers [19:41:34] that send the wrong one [19:41:52] and the author of RSS2 claiming text/xml is the correct type for RSS [19:41:53] abwillis [abwillis@moz-C88CD185.hlrn.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [19:42:21] and the IETF refusing to register application/rss+xml [19:42:29] so Apache won't turn it on by default [19:42:58] IanN [IanN@moz-F6E071BC.cable.ubr02.smal.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 3.0a1/2006121404] [19:43:01] <@Hixie> ok so, (a) why would _your_ header work if Content-Type doesn't, and (b) why don't you register RSS yourself? [19:43:09] <@Hixie> anyway [19:43:13] <@Hixie> the point is sniffing is here to stay [19:43:14] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has joined #developers [19:43:18] <@Hixie> and it has to be defined [19:43:29] Hixie: my header will work until it doesn't [19:43:38] then we make a new one :) [19:43:42] <@Hixie> uh huh [19:43:44] Hixie pat pats sayrer [19:44:19] abwillis [abwillis@moz-C88CD185.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #developers [19:44:22] b.) the editor of the Atom RFC is one of the few people who can't get away with registering RSS's type [19:44:31] <@Hixie> why? [19:44:46] cause people would throw a shitfit [19:44:57] and I'd rather not be involved [19:44:59] <@Hixie> well anyway, there _is_ an Atom MIME type, and we're still sniffing for _that_ [19:45:02] <@Hixie> so... [19:45:19] <@Hixie> (and people were using text/javascript without it being defined for years) [19:45:25] why would they refuse application/rss+xml? [19:45:26] <@Hixie> (almost two decades, even) [19:45:46] Hixie: except that text/javascript is ignored [19:46:05] <@Hixie> so would the RSS type [19:46:14] <@Hixie> Content-Type is dead [19:46:18] Hixie: Fx doesn't ignore it [19:46:32] CTho [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [19:46:32] <@Hixie> your antecedants aren't very clear [19:46:34] <@Hixie> but anyway [19:46:44] <@Hixie> my point was just that a new header wouldn't work [19:46:49] <@Hixie> and that sniffing would have to be defined regardless [19:46:51] Hixie: you will always get a feed preview screen if you send the RSS type [19:47:11] <@Hixie> yes [19:47:13] ajschult [ajschult@moz-5FA8B2A8.eng.buffalo.edu] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla [SeaMonkey 1.1/2006120923] [19:47:37] even if you send HTML or JPEG [19:48:33] aconbere|work [aconbere@moz-8B9BC39B.geonerco.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Lost terminal [19:48:34] <@Hixie> yes [19:49:00] so, some types work better than others [19:49:55] <@Hixie> yes [19:50:18] it's not dead. there are just some obsolete values [19:51:04] <@Hixie> there are very few types that work reliably [19:51:33] <@Hixie> where by "reliably" i mean it is always set for content of that type and no other content is set of that type [19:51:41] well, "work" is undefined. [19:51:54] <@Hixie> ok, where by "work" i mean "are labelled" [19:52:20] for example src attributes or and feed subscription efforts have different requirements than general purpose user agents [19:52:27] hrm...Firefox has stopped issueing sounds it seems [19:53:47] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [19:54:00] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [19:54:53] New build added to Mozilla1.8-SeaMonkey: WINNT 5.1 tpol Depend (1.1) (status: Success). [19:57:54] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [19:58:09] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [19:59:48] davidbienvenu [davidbienv@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: davidbienvenu [20:00:08] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-EC288A1F.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.73-rdmsoft [XULRunner 1.9a1/2006042715] [20:01:25] asrail [asrail@moz-D6FEBEBE.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #developers [20:03:59] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [20:04:13] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [20:05:17] Ryan|afk [rflint@moz-21F4EFE7.res.east.verizon.net] is now known as Ryan [20:07:04] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [20:07:18] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [20:12:10] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [20:12:27] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [20:16:16] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [20:16:36] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [20:16:59] mw22_away [chatzilla@moz-7142FB28.dsl.speedlinq.nl] is now known as mw22 [20:17:18] dbaron, ping [20:18:23] evan_away [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has quit IRC: Client exited [20:20:56] sspitzer [sspitzer@moz-A8CDE328.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: [20:29:06] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 pawn Depend' has changed state from Success to Burning. [20:31:03] evan [evan@4C1830C6.F0CE8D06.B0A6F311.IP] has joined #developers [20:34:46] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #developers [20:36:50] KaiRo [robert@moz-F2134722.gumpendorf.xdsl-line.inode.at] has quit IRC: Input/output error [20:37:10] NeilZZZ [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [20:37:23] Neil [neil@moz-228E8524.lutn.cable.ntl.com] is now known as NeilZZZ [20:38:13] petea [petea@moz-B23F21FD.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit IRC: Quit: petea [20:45:47] magneto [chatzilla@977E6C1.DEF20D50.74E1C77A.IP] has joined #developers [20:48:04] <@dbaron> mw22, ? [20:48:10] timr [timr@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: timr [20:48:10] dbaron, I need to partially back out the patch from bug 330705, I need to put the nsXULElement::SetFocus back in, to fix the regressions, is that ok with you, or do I need to ask review for the partial backout? [20:48:21] <@dbaron> mw22, that's fine with me [20:48:30] dbaron, ok, thanks [20:49:11] magneto [chatzilla@977E6C1.DEF20D50.74E1C77A.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox] [20:52:06] igo1 [igor@moz-357D8636.nextgentel.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving. [20:55:59] mmadia [mmadia@moz-C9967A76.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #developers [20:56:13] mmadia [mmadia@moz-C9967A76.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: quit [20:58:45] ajschult [andrew@moz-FC3AAF11.bflony.east.verizon.net] has joined #developers [20:59:15] dmose [dmose@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: dmose [21:00:01] mw22: that should fix both regressions, you think? [21:00:19] aja, yes, I tested it and it fixed the regressions for me [21:00:33] Sorry to cause it [21:00:33] mw22: cool [21:00:45] I should have remembered about that other bug [21:03:44] Hendikins [wolfox@EAB42FC2.EAC73C43.2D652CBA.IP] has joined #developers [21:05:01] mw22: noted in mozillazine trunk nitely forum [21:05:15] ginn [ginn@moz-3DC951F1.sun.com] has joined #developers [21:05:17] aja, ok [21:05:44] dbaron [dbaron@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: 8403864 bytes have been tenured, next gc will be global. [21:09:29] aaronaway [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] is now known as aaronlev [21:10:06] preed-xmas-scotch [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed [21:10:32] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:16:41] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-BD7D3D2E.tmodns.net] has quit IRC: Quit: kreeger [21:17:51] petea [petea@moz-691889FA.sub-75-208-57.myvzw.com] has joined #developers [21:18:57] preed [preed@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] is now known as preed-afk [21:20:49] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [21:22:54] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by Mook_) [21:23:07] Mook [mook@moz-4567B029.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #developers [21:24:11] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:24:45] abwillis [abwillis@moz-C88CD185.hlrn.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77-rdmsoft [XULRunner 1.9a1/2006121000] [21:25:07] alice [alice@moz-FA61D0F3.zabbo.net] is now known as alice|afk [21:25:42] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [21:26:25] abwillis [abwillis@moz-C88CD185.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #developers [21:31:20] philor [ringnalda@moz-F59AB683.eug.or.uspops.net] has joined #developers [21:33:02] myk [chatzilla@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:33:22] Jesse_: your feed is putting out the wrong time [21:33:28] Camino: 'MacOSX Darwin 7.9.0 pawn Depend' has changed state from Burning to Success. [21:33:56] Jesse_: I was trying to figure out how planet had an entry for the 15, so I checked your site, and it's clearly listed as being posted on the 14th [21:34:52] petea [petea@moz-691889FA.sub-75-208-57.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:35:20] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [21:38:29] sdwilsh|study: the times on planet are in UTC [21:39:14] db48x: yeah, but his feed says the wrong date too relative to his blog [21:39:32] db48x: just the person I wanted to talk too as well :) [21:39:47] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [21:39:56] db48x: did you test Bug 121774? [21:40:07] if he's in EST and posted his last message 10 minutes ago, then the time is correct [21:40:44] no, that one I didn't [21:40:50] I meant to comment on it after I saw the - [21:41:16] you need to put a around the popups [21:41:24] so that they get put into the right place [21:41:42] yeah...I'm confused because it worked on mine [21:41:48] but looking closer, I don't know how it worked [21:42:00] sdwilsh|study [chatzilla@moz-98E18A04.reshall.umich.edu] is now known as sdwilsh [21:42:20] Since clearly I'm not studying, I should stop hiding behind a lie :) [21:43:36] mw22: looking good in win hourly [21:45:15] asrail [asrail@moz-D6FEBEBE.user.veloxzone.com.br] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.77 [SeaMonkey 1.5a/0000000000] [21:45:37] oh gosh...I should really change pp... to mp... because it's now a menupopup as opposed to a popup [21:45:39] :/ [21:48:15] so, there's commented code all over the place in domi - should I just start taking it out if a change I would make would break it (say changing an id), or fix it? [21:49:26] aaronlev [chatzilla@moz-B0ED68CF.c3-0.arl-ubr2.sbo-arl.ma.cable.rcn.com] is now known as aaronaway [21:50:00] remove it [21:50:12] Waldo: that's music to my ears :) [21:50:13] commented-out code goes dead fairly quickly [21:50:27] I can get rid of so much now [21:51:41] the only exception I could see is when you have some functionality which you could turn on but depends on another bug being fixed (and you expect it to be fixed imminently), so you comment it out until then -- but I'm sure none of what you'd be seeing fits that limited definition [21:53:08] ok, I think I've got a perl program that outputs an svg file that draws a Hilbert curve [21:53:31] This has been commented out for months, and there is no "commented out because bug XXX", so I don't think it's being worked on [21:53:47] andrew [chatzilla@moz-D3A6AD61.adsl.mnsi.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.75 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [21:53:48] "I'm sure none of what you'd be seeing fits that limited definition" [21:54:00] whoops [21:54:07] I did read that...it just clearly didn't register [21:55:20] dbaron [dbaron@moz-1559392A.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [21:55:34] anyone want to tell me why Firefox doesn't draw anything? [21:55:41] http://db48x.net/temp/hilbert4.svg [21:57:13] oh [21:57:16] db48x sighs [21:57:19] db48x: what do you expect it to draw? :) [21:57:40] I forgot to redirect it to the file [21:57:43] before loading it [21:57:51] it looked great in my console though [21:58:06] Hendikins [wolfox@EAB42FC2.EAC73C43.2D652CBA.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Any technology, no matter how primitive, is magic to those who don't understand it [21:58:07] hehe [21:59:16] ok, there's a hilbert9.svg, but I don't recommend that you load it [21:59:28] it's over a meg, and my firefox just died [21:59:42] trunk? [22:00:10] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-47B0ECAE.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [22:00:27] db48x: you say I need to add a window id="..", but doesn't an overlay add the content in at the end? [22:01:57] jwatt: yes [22:02:43] db48x: can you file a bug and attach that test as a testcase? [22:02:52] sdwilsh: no, the children of the are taken to be nodes that it finds in the target document. the grand children get inserted into the document once it finds the children [22:02:57] jwatt: yea, that's the point [22:03:09] cool [22:03:10] jwatt: I'm earning a dollar from shebs [22:03:20] heh [22:03:33] orph [nobody@moz-8F1A9794.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:03:47] db48x: but if those children aren't in the document, don't they get added? [22:03:58] ok, it crashes on the level 8 fractal [22:04:07] sdwilsh: yea [22:04:11] db48x: becuase that's how my extension is with the browser overlay, and I'm fairly certain that's how the tutorials say to do it [22:04:23] db48x: then I don't need a window element all the time, right? [22:04:23] sdwilsh: err, no [22:04:33] sdwilsh: I read that wrong [22:04:40] sdwilsh: as far as I know it just throws them away [22:04:54] can't be the case - my extension wouldn't work [22:05:00] sdwilsh looks up docs [22:05:21] bhearsum [bhearsum@moz-AC304A5B.foxybanana.com] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:05:22] bhearsum [bhearsum@moz-AC304A5B.foxybanana.com] has joined #developers [22:05:34] jwatt: do you know how to make it not draw the path filled? [22:06:09] db48x: fill="none" stroke="red" stroke-width="5" [22:06:37] db48x: you can do that with CSS too if you want to apply that to lots of paths [22:06:45] I just left off the fill attribute. silly me :) [22:06:50] jwatt: it's just one path [22:07:08] yeah, fill defaults to black [22:09:38] I'm off [22:09:40] g'night [22:10:12] jwatt: good night, thanks for your help [22:10:31] no probs [22:10:34] did nothing :) [22:11:55] no, but you had the knowledge I needed [22:12:41] asac [asac@moz-E5058526.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:14:24] db48x: I see your point [22:14:37] took me a while, but I got it now [22:15:35] asac [asac@moz-F7A61C2A.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #developers [22:16:26] db48x: but the problem comes when more than one window uses that... [22:17:03] db48x sighs [22:17:13] sdwilsh: if more than one window uses it, then you have to use the popupset [22:17:31] I didn't realize that this involved more than one window [22:17:45] nor did I, until I looked at this - http://mxr-test.landfill.bugzilla.org/seamonkey/search?string=popupOverlay.xul&find=&findi=&filter=&tree=seamonkey [22:18:03] 4 xul files call it as an overlay :/ [22:18:45] although...I may be ok still - need to look at all those [22:19:47] this would be the one bug I don't test before I r+… [22:20:05] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [22:20:10] db48x: sweeit - they all use the same id on the window [22:20:12] anyone know shebs' email address? [22:20:13] there's hope yet [22:20:17] sdwilsh: heh [22:20:22] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Quit: petea [22:20:38] it's like they planned this for me! [22:20:40] db48x wonders if it's shebs@mozilla.org [22:20:49] check bmo? [22:20:56] and .org isn't used for new accounts anymore [22:21:02] or .com [22:21:03] would be sshebs@mozilla.com [22:21:29] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [22:21:29] doesn't match anything [22:21:34] oh man...the tests file isn't so forgiving [22:21:50] db48x: oh, you want his bugmail? [22:21:58] stanshebs@earthlink.net [22:22:18] ah, thanks [22:22:20] firefox, shebs? [22:22:23] er [22:22:26] firebot, shebs? [22:22:28] reed: Maybe shebs is a MoCo guy. [22:22:49] firebot: shebs is a MoCo guy, his bugmail is stanshebs@earthlink.net [22:22:51] db48x: But shebs is 'a MoCo guy.'... [22:22:53] bah [22:22:57] firebot: no, shebs is a MoCo guy, his bugmail is stanshebs@earthlink.net [22:22:58] db48x: ok [22:23:20] somebody needs to fix firebot [22:23:30] What's wrong with firebot? [22:23:45] so that if what you're telling him shares a large common prefix with what he already knows, he doesn't question you [22:24:26] db48x updates his debug build [22:24:34] patches welcome! [22:24:57] 'somebody' is the set of other people [22:25:18] I just write perl programs that draw svg fractals [22:25:23] I'm not an AI guy [22:25:38] db48x.net/summit-dollar, if anyone's interested [22:25:55] db48x: so how many hours of work for a dollar? [22:26:23] about 1 [22:26:31] ish [22:26:42] I didn't really keep track, and there was an episode of NCIS in the middle [22:28:41] ok, so drawing a Hilbert curve definitely uses an exponential algorithm [22:29:26] so how long do you think it'd take to draw one of these large enough to map the IPv6 network? [22:30:13] dolske [dolske@moz-46636307.office.mozilla.org] has quit IRC: Quit: dolske [22:30:27] Sent part request, waiting for reply... ### Log session terminated at Thu Dec 14 22:30:28 2006 ### ### Log session started at Thu Dec 14 22:30:39 2006 ### [22:30:39] db48x [db48x@6750E525.90A7536F.93B4B608.IP] has joined #developers [22:30:39] Channel topic is: Reflow branch has landed! || Gecko 1.9a1 is tagged || http://benjamin.smedbergs.us/blog/2006-12-07/unified-windows-build-prerequisites/ [22:30:39] Topic was set by Waldo!*@* on Fri Dec 8 01:55:46 2006 [22:30:40] sand.mozilla.org [*@*] has set channel mode +snr [22:30:40] Channel was created at Thu Aug 10 23:24:33 2006 [22:30:40] Channel synchronized in 1.160 seconds [22:30:46] that was… odd [22:31:21] db48x: so showing you that comic was a bad thing, eh? [22:32:23] I wouldn't say that [22:32:30] $1 is not all I got out of it [22:32:41] I got a stimulating entertainment and $1 [22:32:50] fiar enough [22:32:56] s/ia/ai/ [22:33:01] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer [22:33:09] sdwilsh wants spellchecker to work in chatzilla [22:34:22] lxr is a savior right now [22:34:33] yea, lxr is pretty good [22:34:41] mxr is better, but close enough [22:34:58] all these id's I have to check and make sure I'm not breaking anything...well lxr can find them faster than I can [22:35:15] kreeger [nickkreege@moz-47B0ECAE.kc.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: kreeger [22:36:10] mkaply [mkaply@moz-AF67F6E3.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [22:37:22] this is a big refactoring of domi xul [22:37:26] sdwilsh sighs [22:41:59] kiko [kiko@moz-21AE8E0E.dsl.telesp.net.br] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [22:42:46] petea [petea@moz-ECB0F011.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #developers [22:45:13] cool, a map of the IPv6 internet only requires a rank 24 Hilbert curve [22:45:43] orph [nobody@moz-8F1A9794.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #developers [22:46:32] db48x: that won't render either, will it? [22:46:57] kiko [kiko@moz-21AE8E0E.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #developers [22:47:23] bc [bclary@moz-400A639F.direcpc.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox] [22:48:05] sdwilsh: probably not [22:48:26] considering Firefox crashes at rank 7 [22:48:43] it'll be interesting to see how long it takes to generate the fractal though [22:48:59] my script runs in constant space if all you count is memory [22:49:21] 'ignore the hard drive behind the curtain' and all that [22:49:31] woho! empty overlay file... [22:49:34] should I just delete it now? [22:49:39] yea [22:49:47] how do I do that so it shows up in a diff? [22:50:09] rm foo; cvs rm foo [22:50:12] cvs diff -uN [22:50:24] of course, you have to have cvs write access to do that [22:50:36] cvsdo delete? [22:50:39] or cvsdo ;) [22:50:40] but you can use cvsdo [22:50:44] and pretend [22:51:11] since I don't have a cvs account, it works [22:52:05] it's giving me an error [22:53:07] what error? [22:54:09] cvsdo: ERROR: Won't remove existing file viewers/styleRules/popupOverlay.xul [22:54:50] whoa, my debug build rendered the rank 7 fractal [22:55:04] sdwilsh: you have to delete the file before you remove it [22:55:10] but not the rank 8 [22:55:40] dolske [dolske@moz-F8EC3862.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [22:55:43] that seems counter intuitive... [22:55:50] well [22:55:57] this is CVS we're talking about [22:55:58] svn > cvs [22:56:27] svn does the same thing; it really should only ask if you've made local modifications [22:57:36] interesting, it doesn't crash in the svg code [22:58:09] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: This computer has gone to sleep [22:58:36] it crashes in pthread_cond_wait while doing some event queue stuff [23:00:48] db48x: alright, I'm gonna attach a new patch to that bug - hopefully it'll work out better this time :) [23:01:06] good :) [23:01:19] chewey_ [chewey@moz-AB8D94B6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #developers [23:02:51] I can't really tell what's going on in this crash [23:02:57] chewey [chewey@moz-CD783055.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:03:13] db48x: I've cross referenced everything I've changed...as far as I can tell I've nabbed everytying [23:03:38] cool [23:03:46] I'll probably look at it tommorrow [23:03:56] and I'll test it this time :P [23:04:53] ok, I'm going to start my script on this rank 24 hilbert curve [23:04:56] then go to sleep [23:05:07] we'll see how it turns out tommorrow [23:05:19] er [23:05:27] db48x types in the command correctly this time [23:06:23] sdwilsh chukles [23:06:31] you'll have an r? tomorrow :) [23:07:50] dt [darktemple@moz-B46E4156.adl0.adsl.esc.net.au] has joined #developers [23:08:31] wow [23:08:41] the svg file is growing at about a meg a second [23:09:39] no, my bad. 2 megs a second [23:10:02] it's over 400 megs now [23:10:31] smontagu [smontagu@moz-B2A4F6C8.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #developers [23:12:24] it's using 1.5 megs of ram and 63 megs of swap though [23:12:29] not sure why that is [23:12:48] db48x writes that off as perl being perl [23:12:54] coop_away [Chris@moz-89175FC9.dsl.bell.ca] has quit IRC: Quit: coop_away [23:13:07] myk [chatzilla@moz-7B3C332.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #developers [23:13:17] anyway, good night [23:13:19] doh [23:13:29] myk: I had a question about microsummaries for you [23:13:46] myk: I was wondering if they were working in trunk builds [23:15:22] I should have had this play a sound when it was done [23:15:46] I'm about to crash, but I don't want to get up and check on it repeatedly [23:17:47] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:24:40] dbaron: I'll talk to you tomorrow about it. [23:25:11] dbaron: also, bummer :( [23:25:28] CTho [Chris@moz-A267BAF7.austin.res.rr.com] is now known as CTho|zzz [23:26:36] sdwilsh hopes this runs [23:27:37] bah...what's the best way to clear the xul cache in a debug build? [23:27:53] sdwilsh: restart [23:28:17] suboptimal, I know [23:28:27] well, that doesn't quite seem to be it [23:28:39] last time I fixed this by rming my obj-dir and rebuilding [23:28:58] seems as if whenever I change overlay stuff in DOMI, my build won't start (even with valid syntax) [23:29:12] ohh [23:29:31] know of a way around that? [23:29:42] I thought you meant in a running build, in-place [23:29:44] no, I don't [23:29:53] Hendikins [wolfox@EAB42FC2.EAC73C43.2D652CBA.IP] has joined #developers [23:30:06] I used the extension developer's extension a few months ago, but reloading chrome didn't really work at the time [23:30:19] I think it's been updated since, but not sure if that'll help you or not [23:30:36] brendan [chatzilla@moz-4C30BDC5.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:30:57] not if it won't start :) [23:31:06] no :/ [23:31:13] I'm off to bed, g'night! [23:31:28] brendan [chatzilla@moz-4C30BDC5.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 2.0/2006101022] [23:31:56] night [23:33:20] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: leaving [23:35:16] sdwilsh [chatzilla@moz-98E18A04.reshall.umich.edu] is now known as sdwilsh|away [23:35:33] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:35:54] wait, I just had a troubling thought [23:36:02] 2^48 points times 6 bytes per point [23:36:05] is like 256 TB [23:36:15] right? [23:36:28] dria [dria@moz-B7FD1F7E.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [23:36:47] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: leaving [23:37:05] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:37:23] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: leaving [23:37:37] oh, it's worse. I forgot to multiply by the six [23:37:42] 1536 TB [23:37:48] db48x only has 150GB [23:37:48] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:38:03] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: leaving [23:38:34] so this svg file is going to be too big [23:38:49] eletido [Jon@moz-6B04BBA2.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [23:39:06] hmm [23:39:14] I have 25 years to add the neccessary disk space though [23:39:32] aconbere [aconbere@moz-E537670B.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #developers [23:40:32] prasad [prasad@moz-621F8CDF.atc.tcs.co.in] has joined #developers [23:41:11] stephend [stephend@moz-93EB7CBA.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #developers [23:41:19] darin [darin@moz-CD91E596.google.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving [23:41:34] I'm such a luddite [23:41:58] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout [23:42:01] I just discovered the hotness that is virtual search folders [23:42:28] doh [23:42:35] I knew it was there. [23:42:35] poningru [poningru@moz-87084091.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #developers [23:42:40] just not how cool it really is. [23:42:43] I have to add 500 GB hard drives at a rate of 1 every 2.75 days though [23:42:48] stephend: yea, they are pretty cool [23:43:00] I was expecting them, over IMAP, to be slow [23:43:03] but they're not [23:43:47] yea, IMAP can express essentially the same queries that the search can [23:44:09] the query just returns a list of message numbers [23:44:23] and thunderbird just looks in it's cache to get the details [23:45:33] oh [23:45:38] so, anyone want to buy me a new hard drive every 2 days for the next 25 years? [23:45:40] is the impl different between sm and tbird? [23:45:52] s/thunderbird/email client/ [23:46:19] and, "its" ;-) [23:46:30] give me a virtual eye roll [23:46:41] the mozilla email clients may ask the imap server to give it subjects and recieved dates and so on in addition to message numbers [23:46:44] yea, its [23:46:48] it's late [23:46:53] ;-) [23:46:57] fingers on automatic [23:47:14] there are certainly more egregious errors to be made [23:47:34] but in general the email client doesn't have to ask for that sort of summary information, especially when it knows it already has all the information cached [23:48:40] at one point david/scott were thinking of replacing mork [23:48:47] but I think that's too ambitious [23:48:59] Mook wonders if db48x's fractal thing can be implemented in terms of [23:50:09] stephend: it could probably be done [23:51:01] stephend: do it in two steps. first write wrappers that implement the existing interfaces, but uses the storage module to actually write the data to disk [23:51:28] Mook: how does that work? [23:51:53] db48x: basically it draws a some node again [23:52:02] db48x, yeah, the SQlite stuff? [23:52:08] err, "basically it draws something specified in another node" [23:52:30] stephend: yea [23:52:40] Mook: dunno. doubtful. [23:52:50] mork is actually pretty efficient [23:52:52] Mook: my current script just writes one long svg path [23:52:52] but I can't figure out how to connect the repetitions :p [23:52:58] just convoluted as all hell [23:53:09] stephend: doesn't seem very space efficient [23:53:45] oh sweet [23:53:47] Mook: the Hilbert curve is a curve that covers every point in a space, hitting each of them once [23:53:48] wordpress upgrade [23:54:01] db48x: and space-filling, yeah [23:54:11] Mook: so a single path is the natural way to go [23:54:20] v 40 h 40 v 40 h -40 h -40 v -40 h -40 v 40 h -40 v -40 h -40 v 40 h -40 h -40 v -40 h 40 v -40 h -40 v -40 h 40 h 40 v 40 h 40 v -40 v -40 h -40 v -40 h 40 v -40 v -40 h -40 v 40 h -40 v -40 h -40 v 40 v 40 h 40 v 40 h -40 h -40 h -40 v -40 h 40 v -40 v -40 h -40 v 40 h -40 v -40 h -40 v 40 v 40 h 40 v 40 h -40 v 40 v 40 h 40 v -40 h 40 h 40 v 40 h -40 v 40 h 40 v 40 h -40 h -40 v -40 h -40 v 40 [23:54:25] that's an excerpt [23:56:41] of mork? [23:56:42] yeah [23:56:47] it's got the strangest language [23:56:51] "yarn" and such [23:56:53] sayrer [chatzilla@moz-D9DB9F78.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #developers [23:57:00] well, really just a substitution for "strings" [23:57:25] no, of my hilbert curve of rank 24 [23:57:39] anybody want to fly me to MoCo so I can make the Friday-night party? [23:57:56] heh, where are you? [23:58:03] Indiana [23:58:20] it's _only_ a 33-hour drive, you know [23:58:36] heh [23:58:45] what's the party for? [23:58:54] oh [23:58:58] the alpha? [23:59:03] there used to be an informal one on fridays [23:59:10] ahh [23:59:13] lilmatt [mwillis@moz-8BBD264E.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #developers [23:59:15] at their old HQ [23:59:17] good times ### Log session terminated at Fri Dec 15 00:00:00 2006 ###